Viewing page 94 of 200

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^[[Spanish word]]
ka'pitȧ^[[‿]]ni', officer (military) capitani, overseer (H)
kapita'ni t^[[c]]su'ba, general
kapitoniha, flag-officer (H)
kapitoni impilha, flagship (H)
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^[[ō'tîk holî'kfa tcuba' (K)]]
kạpō'ta, coat (from French or Spanish)
kaputta, sack (H)
kạpo'tạ kobokce', vest
^[[hołîkfa koboksê'  (K)]]
kapotta, ^[["has"]] clothes (H)  ^[[ [[strikethrough]]otîkfa[[/strikethrough]] ]]
kapotta olfa, clothing (H) ^[[tcû'ba outcō'ka (K)]]
kapota chuba, overcoat (H)
^[[holî'kfa tcû'ba (K)]]
kaputta chumpa, sack, sacque (H) ^[[tcû'lpaᵋ (K)]]
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gas, kas,
iskasạ'skalolo', you throw it (65) ^[[îskȧsî'lka (K)]]
ishoga' sgạt, [[strikethrough]]yo[[/strikethrough]]when thrown ^[[îshokȧska' (K)]]
hoga sgạtohon, when they threw it (65) ^[[(&K)]]
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kashapo, black gum (H) ^[[łō'bûno' (K)]]
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1025 ^[[-1]]
kasȧ^[[']]tka, cold (H) cool (H)  ^[[(&K)]]
kạsạtkā'mon, cold (18)
ma [[strikethrough]]ka[[/strikethrough]] kusatka, to turn cold (H)
akusatka, a cold place , climate, or region (H)
kusatkossih, coldness (H)
kusatka moluh, very cold (H) ^[[nîẋtakō'ks mȧp]]
pihakko^[[‿]]tih kasatka ya, it was cold yesterday (H) ^[[kasû'tka (K)]]
nihlili kasatka, cold morning (H) ^[[niłā'lî kasûtka (K) same]]
nihta kasatka, cold day (H)
ma kusatka, to turn cold (H)
inhlakhani kusatka, cold blooded (H) ^[[înłȧ'khȧni kasû'tka (K)]]
otchun kasatka ishtkulka, cold chisel (H)
kusatkassih, coldness (H)
kasatkappi, coldly (H) ^[[kasûtkatc (K)]]
kasatka nihta, cold weather (H)
okkasatka, okkassahkah, cold water (H)
nihta kusatkahchih, very cold day (H)
akkasatkalu, a cold place, climate, or region (H) ^[[kasatkafa (K)]]
akkusatlichih, to be cold with (H) ^[[(&K)]]
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1026 ^[[-2]]
kasahlih, cooling of from fever (H)
kasahkat onoka, cooled or cooling (H) ^[[(&K)]]
kasaka, to cause to cool (H)
ok kasahka, a cool water (H)
kacātkacā' yu, north ^[[(cold in Koasati [[?]])]]
nihta kasahkasit allila, a cool, pleasant day (H)
ishtbakun inkasahkatchi, cooling the head (H)
akkashahka, akakkashahka, cooler (H)
kashatka, sat kashatka, coolish (H)
kashakasiyallihchih, coolly (H) ^[[kasȧxkayālî'tcî (K) same]]
kashaṉkashi, coolness (H)
nihta kashaṉkashi, cool day (H)
kạca'xgon, cold (032)