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870 ^[[-1]]
immo'ia, one who does picked (H) ^[[(+K)]]
ima,   in ak'ma, I do not picking for (H)
[[strikethrough]]ilmo,[[/strikethrough]]   in ak'mo, I not pick no more (H)
ail'mo, a something to pick or in (as sack) (H)
ayi'mo, a something to pick on (H)
ī'mo, picking up, still picking (H) ^[[to pick(cotton +c [[etc]])]]
imo'ya, to picking up, as cotton, fruit, grain (H)
ik'^[[ạ]]mo, not pick (H)
il'mo, pick out, pertaining to pick (H)
ish'mo, you act to pick (H)
ih'mo, picking regularly (H)
[[macron below "i"]]has'ma, you are both picked for his (H)
[[macron below "i"]]has'mo, to know and said; you are both picked for his (H)
ihik'ma, state of being having slowly or sometimes picked (H)
ihik'mo, slowly picking (H)
ihil'ma, we picked up in right along (H)
ihil'mo, picking did fast, picking right away (H)
iima'ba, state [[strikethrough]]who doe [[/strikethrough]] that who does still picking on (H
[[strikethrough]]iima'fa, ch[[?]] it from or at (H)[[/strikethrough]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
871 ^[[-2]]
iima'ha, to make to do to be picking on (H)
iima'hi, causing to become picking on (H)
iima'ho, one who act of to picking (H)
[[strikethrough]] iima'k[[macron below "a"]] [[/strikethrough]] iima'l[[macron below "a"]], did you want me to pick it? (H)
iima'li, I can picked or gathering on, of myself (H)
iima'lo, I will pick that (H)
iima'pa, having been picked (H)
iima'pi, picking some (H)
iima'pa, state of indicating who does picking (H)
iima'pi, having picking during the day (H)
iima'po, that which was been picked [[strikethrough]]ing[[/strikethrough]] (H)
iimo'ha, to urge a person to acting picking on (H)
iimo'ka, one who has been^[[ing]] picking (H)
iimo'ko, that which man was picked (H)
ikma'ba, state of who does not picked of anything (H)
ikma'ha, indicating that who will not able for pick (H)
ikma'pa, to be not partly for pick (H)
ikma'pi, to be not picked mostly (H)
ikma'po, one who does not unwilling to pick (H)
ikma'ti, state of description of who does not pick (H)
ikma'to, requested from who knew a person who does not pick (H)
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872 ^[[-3]]
ikmo'b[[macron below "a"]], all right for you not to pick it (H)
ikmo'cha, not let have to picking (H)
ikmo'chi, not let have it to pick or gather (H)
ikmo'cho, not engaged to picking at all (H)
ikmo'fa, a place where amiss to pick (H)
ikmo'ha, to engaged a person not to act to pick (H)
ikmo'ia, ikmo'ya, indicating a person does picked one who [[strikethrough]] doe [[/strikethrough]] does not pick (H)
ikmo'ka, indicating a person not willing to pick but become t to pick (H)
ikmo'ko, that is who does not pick (H)
ikmo'la, I don't think he picking or not in since (H)
ikmo'li, is not picked none of it? (H)
ikmo'lo, I guess it will not pick (H)
ikmo'ma, one who does not picked any (H)
ikmo'mo, when if not picked (H)
ikmo'na, to requested about picking on (H)
ikmo'no, I satisfied not picked already (H)
ikmo'si, to waste time in picking or gather crops, etc. (H)
ikmo'sa, indicating who is not to be picking (H)
ikmo'so, state of being not having pick (H)
ikmo'ta, that does not picking now (H)