Viewing page 67 of 200

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imî'ska, partly (H) ^[[(+K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
imołhkommo, aforetime (H)   ^[[îmołkō'konams (K)]]
immolhkommo oshitchalli, I see aforetime (H)
^[[îmhłko'mo ohȧtcālî (K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
881 ^[[-1]]
^[[a'nalî (K)]]
ina'li, my own self, of my own (H)
ina'lo, favor of mine (H)
inai'la, I do neither (H)
inai'lo, I did neither (H)
in ak'la, I take absence myself (H)
im[[?]] ȧk'^[[o]]lo, I not be here (H) ^[[(+K)]]
inal'la, to favor of me; do like me (H)
inal'li, of my possess or my own (H)
inal'lo, to do all of my possess (H)
inna'ko, I am (H) ^[[ȧnakōk (K)]]
inna'la, in favorable of mine (H)
inna'li, I am myself (H)
inna'lo, in favorably of mine (H)
inna'sa, of myself (H) ^[[ȧnā'sȧł (K)]]
inno'ia, inno'ya, this belong to me; this mine (H) ^[[ȧnoia (K)]]
inno'io, inno'yo, that which is mine (H)
inno'ka, I go with you; I do neither (?)
inno'ki, I might do (H) (?)
inno'ko, I do too (H) (?) ^[[anoko' (K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
882 ^[[-2]]
inno'la, that is my time (H)
inno'li, my time, I (H)
inno'lo, that my time (H)
inno'ma, mine, my (H)
inno'mo, that which mine (H)
inno'na, partly of mine (H)
inno'no, that is all mine (H)
inno'sa, belong to my business, mine ownself (H)
inno'si, belonging to mine, by myself (H)
inno'so, state of being by myself or my business (H)
inno'ta, that is my own (H)
inno'ti, I was; that my; that is my things (H)
inno't[[macron below "o"]], that my time then (H)
inno'yo, for mine (H)
inok'k[[macron below "a"]], not mine; belonging to other person[[strikethrough]]s[[/strikethrough]] (H)
inok'ko, not to me; not for me (H)
akkah innolu, that ^[[is]] mine (H) ^[[ȧkȧpo amō's (K)]]
talikchon inalhok isht tunotlilu, I let myself down with a rope (H) ^[[ȧnāłōk ȧ'tcîtîka îstanōlî (K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
883 ^[[-3]]
[[strikethrough]] ahha'lo, to adore (H) [[/strikethrough]] 
innah'cha, you does like me (H)   
inah'chi, do you like me, you do like me (H) ^[[(+) ȧna'mî a'na'ẋtcî (K) just like me]]
inah'cho, did like me; you did like me (H)
[[strikethrough]]ih[[/strikethrough]] inah'ka, not do like me (H)
inah'ki, causing to do like me (H)
inah'ko, not does like me (H) ^[[anoyȧ'ñko (K)]]
inah'ma, state of being, having like me (H)
[[strikethrough]] ih[[/strikethrough]] inah'mi, follow me (?)
inah'mo, state of being, does having like me (H)
inō'ga, I (169)
inạma'mit, like me (035) 
i'nok, my (035)
inagê'tok, it is I (0113a)

Transcription Notes:
*added missing diacritics *added end/start page notations