Viewing page 68 of 200

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engil im miko, archangel (H)
[[strikethrough]]engilka, angel (H)[[/strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]]engilk[[/strikethrough]] enchilka, angel (H)
enchilka im miko yā'hchi, archangelic (H)
engilka holba, angelic (H)
engilka fehnoko, angelically (H)
angilka im intuhno, engilka yahli allu, angelolatry (H)
enchilka at ahichachih, the angel watched (H) ^[[ [[strikethrough]](+K)[[/strikethrough]] ]] ^[[hasî tȧłîbō'lî ahitcatci (K)]]
enchilka [[underline]]toliwa[[/underline]], ^[[tȧlîlwa (K)]] angel sing (H)
enchilka [[underline]]aiokpa[[/underline]], ^[[o (K)]] the angels are happy (H)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
885 ^[[-1]]
innah, yes sir or ma'am (H)  ^[[īhī'ⁿ (K) (+) ȧnā'mima' (K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
886 ^[[-2]]
inna'ka, to "yes"; answered "yes." (H) ^[[īhīⁿ' (K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
887 ^[[-3]]
ina´', yes (04)  ^[[īhīⁿ']]
ina´', all right (092)
[[end page]]

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inta'la, from one side, direction (H) ^[[întȧła (K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
^[[English word]]
Indiafa, Indiafa unti, Indian (H)
Indiafa awaia, Indian (H) ^[[ate poma îtoktî (K)]]
[[end page]]

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intomhi, leaden (H) ^[[hîna'to (K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
ioa'li, to scatter up in few (H) 
ioa'lo, to many in one place to pull out in few (H) ^[[aboyîtlî (+) ahomȧ'tka (K)]]
iowa'la, scattering, to open the place of woods as chpped [[chopped]] down (H)
iowa'li, become scattered up (H)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
iōcha,  ^[[ī'tolo'kō (K)]]
iōcha'fa, to ankle, at or from ankle (H)
iōcha'ka, indicating that is an ankle (H)
iōcha'ko, that which is the ankle (H)
iōcha'ma, that ankle,; that is ankle (H)
iōcha'mo, that is the ankle (H)
iōcha'ta, that's what the ankle (H)
e'imotcan, ankle bone [[strikethrough]](07)[[/strikethrough]] (057)