Viewing page 72 of 200

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[[start page]]
903 ^[[-8]]
î'ctcotohok, we(they) stayed there and (4)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
904 ^[[-9]]
îstā'swạn, they stayed a while wrestling(34)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
905 ^[[-10]]
ī'cāstō'bapōk, they stayed there going back and forth(24)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
906 ^[[-11]]
īstesạstoba´'pîn, having stayed (fighting) all day(19)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
907 ^[[12]]
^[[asa?]] îstā'swạton, [[strikethrough]]while it stayed there, or[[/strikethrough]] while they ^[[2]] stayed there with it (roasted meat) (12) 
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
908 ^[[-13]]
sa  ?  ^[[(perhaps from [[strikethrough]]isa or[[/strikethrough]] asa]]
^[[isi?]]  ihsa'ba, to tell something to find easily (H) ^[[ [[strikethrough]]îksos[[/strikethrough]] ]]
ihsa'fa, plenty of, a place to where are plenty (H)
^[[h,isi?]] ihsa'ha, state of indicating one who act to catch most (H) ^[[a lot (+K)]]
ihsa'hi, become to be plenty (H)
ihsa'ho, state of becoming to be plenty (H)
^[[asa]] ihsa'ka, a place of plentiful, that is plenty (H)
           ihsa'ko, state of indicating where was many or plenty (H)
           ihsa'sa, indicating of what is plentiful (H) ^[[(+K)]]
           ihsa'si, plenty of it as animal, games, etc. (H)
           ihsa'so, state of being, [[strikethrough]]plentiful[[/strikethrough]] having plentiful (H)
           ihsa'ta, to plenty for; to be plenty for (H)
           ihsa'ti, state of has being to take frequently (H)
           ihsa't[[macron below "o"]], then, be all gone (H)
           ihsa'ya, that which is something quiet a number (H)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
909  ^[[-14]]
^[[es,]]  ^[[they livid with (?)]]
îstē'sạt, talking to him(counselling)(16)
nā'siwạgai'gan inƚạke' ē''sān, any kind of flying thing that stings (lives stinging) (164)
istē'samon ^[[t]]he^[[y]] stayed doing it (168)
ā'tek i'stcotok, people stayed (in a certain place) (171)
e'stcotohon, were living (01)
iksotcû'mok, they are wanting (045)
i'ksocạn, is not there (053)
iste'saha', stayed and worked (095)
ī'soto'ñka, (where) is his house (0105)
istconomon, they stayed there for some time (0113)
[[circled]] ī'sa, he stayed [[/circled]] ^[[?]]
[[end page]]

Transcription Notes:
very unsure of handwriting at top of card 909