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922 ^[[-8]]
il so'ko, not to do carrying or hauled from (H)
il so'la, to come and carried or hauling [[strikethrough]](H)[[/strikethrough]] from time to [[strikethrough]]ti[[/strikethrough]] time (H)
il so'li, to assist carrying baby on (H)
ohe'siegok, they had captured (a man)(19)
ihsi'ma, one who handed most (H)
ihsi'na, to requested about having received (H)
ihsi'no, I satisfy him get along all right to get (H)
ihsi'sa, indicating who is being get more of it (H)
ihsi'so, state of being having so much getting of anything(H)
ihsi'ta, now he get all right (H)
ihsi'ti, that was frequently to take (H)
ihso'ba, state that one who does to get most (H)
ihso'la, indicating expect to be that get more (H)
ihso'li, he is caught it more frequently (H)
ihso'lo, to make himself to get more (H)
ihso'na, to requesting about something to receive more (H)
ihso'sa, never forget, not amiss (H)
ihso'si, get some more; take it some more (H)
ihso'so, state of being having obtain many times (H)
[[strikethrough]]ils[[/strikethrough]] il so'lo, to make it help to carrying on (H)
il so'ta, one who does come and hauling something (H)
il so'ti, state of being one who does came and carry (H)
il so't[[macron below "o"]], coming and carrying hauling then (H)
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923 ^[[-9]]
iisa'ho, one who is to be able to take along with (H)
iisa'hi, to take along with (H)
isso'sa, not amiss (H)
isso'si, to receive properly (H)
isso'so, state of being did receive properly (H)
iisa'ba, still had, in the hand, still hold (H)
iisa'cha, still use had (H)
iisa'chi, to owned: the thing has to owned (H)
iisa'cho, state of being still use to owned (H) 
[[strikethrough]]iissa'h[[/strikethrough]] iisa'ha, state of indicating one who act take along with (H)
iisa'ho, one who is to be able to take along with (H)
[[strikethrough]]iisa'ia, iisa'ya, that which is or does remain or at or[[/strikethrough]]
iisa'li, I take along with it (H)
iisa'lo, I take along that (H)
iisi'ba, hold it, better hold it or handle it (H)
iisi'fa, ^[[a]] place to where to receive on (H)
iisi'ha, causing [[strikethrough]]to[[/strikethrough]] of to take along (H)
iisi'k[[macron below "a"]], that which is get for (H)
iisi'ko, take along, that which was accept (H)
iisi'la, I taking (H)
iisi'li, I can take along (H)
iisi'lo, I took (H)
iisi'ma, kept hold, take (H)
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924 ^[[-10]]
im ih'sa, indicating that who does so much to get from (H)
im ih'si, to seize upon (H)
im ih'so, getting much more of it
im is'ki, to urge him to get for it (H)
ohạ'sîtohon, when they captured (one) (19)
[[strikethrough]]uo[[/strikethrough]] iisi'na, did he took? (H)
iisi'no, I satisfy he taking all right (H)
iisi'ta, now, having received all right (H)
iisi'ti, he had still on hand (H)
iisi't[[macron below "o"]], now is catching then (H)
iisi'ya, handled, to take on (H)
[[strikethrough]]iiso'ba,[[/strikethrough]] iisi'yo, already has (H)
iiso'ba, state of being having hold or keep (H)
[[strikethrough]] iiso'na, to requested about still among (H) [[/strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]] iiso'no, I satisfy always staying same place (H) [[/strikethrough]] ^[[isa [[connected to both struckthrough lines]] ]]
iiso'sa, indicating who is to be sure and get (H)
iiso'si, be sure to get, not amiss (H)
iiso'so, state of being, to show has had (H)
iiso'ta, he handed on (H)
iiso't[[macron below "i"]], he had help carry some neither (H)
iiso't[[macron below "o"]], now is having keep on, then (H)
im os'sa, indicating that you does take out from (H)
inso'cha, indicating that you does help carry it on (H)
inso'chi, you help carry on (H)
inso'cho, you does help carry on (H)