Viewing page 79 of 200

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iska'li, bit, one bit, 12 1/2 cents (H) (Fr. escalin)
iskuli, money (H) ^[[(+K)]]
iskuli in lawa, moneyed (H)
iskulissi, a small money or change (H)
iskuli [[macron below "i"]] shukcha, purse (H) ^[[(+K)]]
skạlạhobûn, a dime, a little escalin (069)
iskali tûklon, a quarter of a dollar (070) (or skạli tukûlon)
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iskī'la, went forward, start in front (H)
iski'lo, going first or front (H)
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^[[cf. los + lutca]]
islō'cho, fruitfully, to thickness above on trees (H)  ^[[(+K)]]
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^[[cf. mallih]]
isma'ma, better, becomes better (H)
isma'mi, better, whenever is better (H) ^[[(+K)]]
isma'mo, whenever is better (H)
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[[start page]]
ishpo'si, becomes to attack (H) ^[[(+K)]]
ishpo'so, state of being cause to become attack (H)
ishpo'sa, to get both of us, to attack both of us (H)
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isso'ma!' ex., something to get away from (H)  ^[[îctî'mpahî'lka (K)]]
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ischa'ia, relating to some kind ant (H) ^[[of end]] ^[[end of something]] ^[[îstanō'ka (K) (+) obîto (K)]]
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^[[1694 ?]]
îctecạfka', chisel ^[[îsteh'olîẋtca (K)]]
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^[[cf. tono]]
îctono^[[ā']]hā'łcgạdjī', stocking ^[[îcta'otca'tckî'[[superscript]]ɛ[[/superscript]] (K)]]
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ishyo'ka, also this package (H)
ishyo'ko, belong to this package (H)
ishyo'la, indicating that, this package (H)
ishyo'li, to requested about that thing (H)
ishyo'lo, that thing what you want (H)  ^[[yiho, to love?]]  ^[[that is he, îco's (K)]]
ishyo'ta, belongs to this package now (H)
ishyo'ti, this package (H)
ishyo'to, will be this package, then (H)
ishwi'^[[he]]lo, to search for package (H)  ^[[îwe'hile (K)]]
ishya'po, how is this package, do to send or not? (H)
^[[he has abt cough him  îcaps (K)]]