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1145 ^[[-1]]
lawa'`tcok, lots of them (people) (stayed)(5)
? [[strikethrough]] law [[/strikethrough]] la-wah'-chih, grand, great (H)
ilow'cha, you help gather up heaps (H)
ilow'chi, you help it a whole lot plenty of it (H)
ilow'cho, you does help well gathered (H)
ilow'ta, to collecting up for (H)
ilow'ti, he had make more for him (H)
ilow'to, to collecting upon, then (H)
ilow'wa, plentiful (H)
ilow'wi, to be increased (H)
ilow'wo, becoming to plentiful (H)
illa'wa, plentiful (H)
illa'wi, help at in plenty, to help in plenty (H)
illa'wo, having plenty; plenteous (H)
isla'wa, to spread out (H) ^[[îchasaiika (K)]]
isla'wo, to increase, to multiply (H)
lah'wa, in many, in many times, in many ways (H) ^[[hasā'iika (K)]]
lah'wo, in many; a crowd, abundantly (H)
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la'watcolo', they are many (074)
nạ'kson lawa'ᵋtcok, somethings [[strikethrough]]are[[/strikethrough]] lots (stay) (14)
la'wa, plenty of (H)
la'wo, that which plenty of (H) 
luw'cho, you did gathered, you have too many (H)
luw'ko, haven't enough to hold, small capacity (H)
luw'ti, state of being who does hold more than others (H)
luw'wa, abundantly, enough for all (H)
luw'wi, a large to hold, large capacity (H)
luw'wo, one that which to hold most (H)
lawa, many (H)
lawahchih, to make many (H)
lawapima, to great many (H)
chalawah, I am many (H)
lappulika lawa, many-sided (H) ^[[întȧła hasaiika (K)]]
lawa fehna, too many (H)
nas lawa, many things (H)
al lawa fehno, I have too many (H)
[[underlined]] la'owi[[/underlined]]`bạtạ'p´toha', he hit it hard (0107)
^[[la'owît (A) <---îmȧ'ẋłît (K]]
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laua' lukoh'lih, horse ^[[hasaikȧt lōkō'lî (K)]]
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illakolus chuffa, horse (H) ^[[one bunch of horses lokō'lî tcȧfā'ka (K)]]
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luh, me (?) (H)
-li, I
molu, (I) am ^[[that's he (A)---mōk mōs (K)]] (H) ^[[anō'lo, I am (A)]] ^[[anok mōs (K]]
unnu luh, [[underlined]] hatchalilu^[[a]]h [[/underlined]], I am ^[[I am going to stand up (A) + K)]]
illa luh, aia luh, I am coming (H) ^[[ī'lalahōs (K) aialohōs (K)]]
unnuk maluh laho, I am ^[[going]] also (H) ^[[ȧnō'k malo lîlahōs (K)]]
alha laho, I am going (H) ^[[ałala's (K)]]
ulluh lin omo, I am going to^[[o]] (H) ^[[tiłalai hiyahōs (K)]]
um isha fa alha lih, I am going home (H) ^[[(+K)]] 
ulla fa alha lih, I am going to town (H) ^[[(+K)]]
illa li, I am come (H) ^[[(+K)]]
isht unkali, I am pleased (H) ^[[îctȧ'nkanohalpīs (K)]]