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lî'sgạt, beating (7)
alis'ka, anvil; something to beat or strike on ^[[palîsî'lka (K)]]
alis'ko, p. having [[strikethrough]] something [[/strikethrough]] being to strike or beat on (H)
ilis'k[[macron below "a"]], to beat, to striked or pounded for it (H)
ilis'ko, to beated flatten for it (H)
^[[pȧ'ska (A)]] lis'ka, to bruise, bruise it, crushing (H) ^[[pȧ'sko (K) + lî'ska]]
lis'ko, bruised (H)
î'slîsî'lkā, hammer, "to strike a wedge with" ^[[îsbō'kȧsî (K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
litchifka, pressed (H) ^[[+(K)]]
ishtlitchiffilka, presses (H)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
litikō'yok, dirty (70)
littihko, foully (H) ^[[pa'sȧka (K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
1159 ^[[-1]]
[[ink bled through]]1158[[/ink bled through]]
liwōⁿ'castoha', it was worn out (67) ^[[(+K)]]
ishtliwapka, plow (H) ^[[lawȧ'pka' (K)]]
liw'ka, pulverized as earth ground (H) ^[[la'uka (K)]]
liw'ko, that which being pulverized (H)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
1160 ^[[-2]]
ili'wi, to work ^[[(]] for it ^[[)]], ^[[ground]] to till (H) ^[[(+K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
1161 ^[[-3]]
alioktco', making preparing
[[underlined]]aīsî^[[k]]gbá'[[/underlined]] [[underlined]]i'htu'[[/underlined]] aliogtco', to make a [[underlined]]field[[/underlined]]
^[[burning field they work]]
^[[aliû'ktcî already made (A + K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
1162 ^[[-1]]
^[[cf. lup[[strikethrough]]ka[[/strikethrough]] ]]
ilob'ba, to fit around his (H) ^[[îbîsnā'lî (K)]]
ilob'bo, that which something fit around his (H)
ilob'cha, causing you to act of mending (H)
ilob'chi, you mending it; you do mending (H)
ilob'cho, you did mending does finished (H)
ilob'ka, mended, replace from torn (H)
ilob'ki, causing to do him to mend it (H)
ilob'ko, not to mend, not for repair (H)
ilob'la, had mended out (H)
ilob'li, stopping something leaks (H) ^[[î'mokbahalê' (K)]]
ilob'lo, to make mending up some holes (H)
ilob'ta, now is finished to mend (H)
ilob'ti, state of being having who does to mend (H)
ilob't[[macron below "o"]], one who act to make mending over (H)
islo'ba, become into just slender as to wearing close fit garment (H)
islo'bo, close fit garment as to form looks circle (H)
lŭboka, rub ^[[haiile (K)]]
lubolia, rubber (H) ^[[îsaiika rubber (K)]]
lubolih, rubbing (H)
lubokat sobaiko, rubbish (H) ^[[haiika sobaiika (K)]]
[[left margin attached to above four lines]] ^[[[[adsttra ?]] ? ]]