Viewing page 148 of 200

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1401 ^[[-1]]
^[[nani, man, male]]
î'nā|nî'kco, "without a husband," ^[[widowed]]
î'nā|nî'kco înłatcō', a small white oak like the post oak [[strikethrough]] but growing near water [[/strikethrough] "red oak without husband"
innani, husband (H)
ilna'na, state of being who came here act of husband (H)
ilna'ni, a person came to husband (H) ^[[îtnā'nî (K)]]
ilna'no, state being indicating that who does to be manly (H)
inna'na, become married a wife (H)
inna'ni, husband, masculine, bridegroom (H)
inna'no, a newly married man (H)
isna'na, becomes boldness (H)
isna'ni, bravely, to be like a man (H)
isna'no, braveness, to be like a man (H)
ati nani, nas nani, male (H)
chitchubba nanni, a male of horse, stallion (H)
wak nani, a male of cow, bull (H)
chowatta nani, a male of goat (H)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
1402 ^[[-2]]
shukha nani, male of hog or boar (H)
chukfi nani, a male of sheep or ram (H)
na'ni, a male (H)
na'no, to be male (H)
nah'^[[ạ]]ni, a hero man, a brave man (H) ^[[, one good man (+K)]]
nah'no, being a hero (H)
nania, one that which manly, man, male, bravely (H)
in nanni naho, a marred [[married?]] woman (H)
in nanni iksho, a single woman (H)
[[end page]]

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1403 ^[[-1]]
nas^[[î]], ^[[something (A + K)]]
^[[ [[strikethrough]]nasi[[/strikethrough]] ]]
naspạka'li, flower (also see îto'ᵋ)
nas attoba ishachalia, plant (H)
nas hishi tik sulotka mak hissisat patkali, gun-cotton (H)
nas im ilpa aki haio pinha oshtotomi, ground-bait (H)
nas malhali ehan abifa wika, ground-hog (H)
nas ittai olfa ya, ground-ivy (H)
nas opoibahchi, house-keeping (H)
nas ishtunobatkachi, key-stone (H)
nas tulhka, cloth (H)
inna'si, king; things along, relate (H)
inna'so, among to kin (H)
na'si, something, things, having goods (H)
nashi, thing (H)
nash sahtik, anything (H)
nash chipilashih, small thing (H)
nasholi, nashi, nashod, nashiṉh, something (H)
nasholahi?, something? (H)
nash numpo, few things (H)
nash laua, many things (H)
nash sahtik ashan, nash mitto omi, anything else (H)
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1404 ^[[-2]]
nas chuffakkan, one thing (H) 
nas chuffakka yuk, one thing is (H)
nas numpo fokka, several things (H)
nashoko, not a thing (H)
nas tobaya, manufacture (H)
nas atoba issah, manufactory (H)
nas atobafa, manufacturer (H)
nas atobahchi, manufacturing (H)
nas atoba chuba, large manufacture (H)
nas atobafa untih, from the manufacturer (H)
nas sahtik atoba, manufacturing of any kind (H)
nas illapilchi, nas ittisshikah, horn (H)
nas illapilchossih, hornlet (H)
nas illapilchi chaski, horn combs (H)
nas sobaika, nas hollu, notice (H)
nas aibi, hawk (H)
nas hissih, nas falakchi, feather (H)
nas hissih patka, feather bed (H)
nassis batka, mallet (H)
nas shahmi, some (H)
nashod, nashi, something (H)
nashok omollo, somewhat (H)
nas monkaiachih, significance (H)
nas monka yahmi, significancy (H)

Transcription Notes:
* the very tops of the letters for another line are on the very bottom of card 1404