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1416 ^[[-1]]
nî'łaᵋ, night ^[[(+K)]]
nî'łạ'l^[[‿ ]][[strikethrough]]l[[/strikethrough]]eᵋ, morning ^[[(+K)]]
nilh'la, night (H)
milh'lo, night overcome (H)
nilth-a, night (H)
nilth-a tom-kah'-chih, dark night (H)
nilth'a hushi hust-ah lijchih-che, moonlight night (H)
ya nilth'-a, tonight (H)
nilth hok-it-a, midnight (H)
nih'-ta hullos, tuklo, fortnight (H)
ya nilth-[[strikethrough]]ak[[/strikethrough]]a-ko, last night (H)
big'-no nilth'a ko, night before last (H)
nilth'-a kah chalth'-on, nightly (H)
nilth'-a[[strikethrough]]-[[/strikethrough]]ya-tal-la, night cap (H)
nilth-a hol-ik-va, night-clothes (H)
nilth-a a-hija, night watch (H)
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1417 ^[[-2]]
niłạ'lîᵋ, in the morning (18)
nilth'-a has'o, moon (H)
nilth'a has tah'le, moonlight (H)
nilth'a husi tunka, to eclipse the moon (H)
niltha husiya onto, the rising of the moon (H)
niltha hustah kochih, disappearance of the moon (H)
nilhla hussih chiniffa, the quarter of the moon (H)
nilhla hussih intulli, a circle around the moon (H)
bikno nilhailiko, yester morn or yester morning (H)
bikno nilha ko, yesternight (H)
pihako nihlili, yester morn, yesterday morning (H) ^[[pîhā'ko nîẋtȧka nîłā'lîka]]
ya nihlako, yesternight (H) ^[[yȧnîłasai'ye (K)]]
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1418 ^[[-1]]
nipo, meat (H) ^[[(+K)]]
shukha nipo, hog meat (H)
wak nipo, beef meat (H)
ni'plit, he cut him to pieces and ^[[tûslî' (K)]]
anip'ka, a place where cut meat into pieces (H)
anip'li, to divided into pieces on or upon (H)
ani'po, a place to cutting meat at or to (H)
ilni'pa, partly in fat and [[strikethrough]]al[[/strikethrough]] lean meat (H)
ilni'pi, one side almost lean (H)
ilni'po, that which is part of lean meat (H)
inni'pa, part in lean as a meat (H)
inni'po, in lean part (H)
isni'po, meatiness; the meat with lean to combine (H)
nih'po, too often flesh, lean (H)
ni'po, lean part (H)
itcho nipo, venison or deer meat (H)
nipo okchako, fresh meat (H)
nipo im isha, meat house (H)
" [[ditto for: nipo]] achulpa, meat market (H)
" [[ditto for: nipo]] abuska, roast meat (H)
" [[ditto for: nipo]] abuska lowa, barbecued meat (H)
" [[ditto for: nipo]] unnopoyatli, boiled meat (H) ^[[(+K)]]
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1419 ^[[-2]]
nippokchi, gravy (H)
nipo libatka, cooked meat (H)
nipo ishpoyutli, fried meat (H)
shokha nipo, nipo hlakhanni, pork (H)
shokha nipo hahpah, fresh pork (H)
shokha nipok impah kunno, pork good to eat (H)
nipo allila, nice pork (H)
nipo nia, fat pork (H)
nipo soui, niposhi, lean pork (H)
nipo ishpuatlih, fried pork (H)
nipo itubulka, pork broiling (H)
nipo chustuki unotubulka, pork and beans (H) ^[[pȧlan homa tcuba (K)]]
nipo im alpitta, port stuffing (H)
nipōmon ē'sok, meat he took (163)
ni'pokon, the meat (he threw to it) (163)