Viewing page 160 of 200

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ofi, (?)
pis-offichih, rubbed the skin off (H) ^[[łihō'fîtcî (K)]]
cha-pisshofficho, my skin is rubbed off (H)
cha^[[‿]]pa milth officho, ^[[to skin my back]] to rub over me (H) ^[[tcȧpa'łîofîtc (K)]]
? imitạ'fi, he opened it (cane by pecking) (065) ^[[împitȧ'fî (K)]]
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1469 ^[[-1]]
^[["screech owl his tree"]]
o'folo întato', slippery elm (?) ^[[-?]], ^[[ [[strikethrough]]ȧfolo în[[/strikethrough]] (+K)]] a tree of fair height the outer bark of which is taken off and the inner pounded up in a mortar when it makes a gum like the sweet gum. It was anciently chewed as [[strikethrough]]the[[/strikethrough]] is still done with the gum of the sweet gum tree.
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[[start page]]
1470 ^[[-2]]
ō^[[ȧ]]folō'ᵋ, screech owl ^[[(+K)]]
ofolo, screech owl (H)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
ō'ia, screw worms (H)
oy'ya, screw-worm, a larva (H)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
oiā'nd^[[tc]]jạ'g^[[k]]ā', glass, looking-glass, ^[[mirror,]] window-glass ^[[kā'ka nahîlka' (K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
1473 ^[[-1]]
^[[oiba, rain   (+K)]]
o'ibạto'ibo^[[ȧ]]k, it was hard rain (20-21) ^[[(+K)]]
im oi'ba, rain for his place (H)
im oi'bo, state of raining for his place (H)
oi'ba, rain (H)
oi'bo, raining (H)
oih'ba, raining each day, raining most all time (H)
oyba, rain (H)
oybachih, to make rain (H)
ai oyba, a rainy place (H) ^[[itoībafa' (K)]]
[[strikethrough]]hanak bo[[/strikethrough]] oyba yallih, rainy (H)
oyba nihta, rainy weather (H)
oybat isht mahlih, a rainstorm (H)
oybo, rain now (H)
oyba chuba, big rain (H)
oyba ho, looks going rain (H)
oyba moti, it was big rain (H)
atchun oyba, rain on me (H)
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[[start page]]
1474 ^[[-2]]
oiba'`tcok, it rained (20)
oiba'tcên, when it rained (060)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
1475 ^[[-3]]
[[strikethrough]]ogiba', rain[[/strikethrough]]
oyiba', rain
o'yibi îc^[[‿]]hêple', ^[[rain +]] hail  ^[[bȧtcȧno' (A + K)  hail]]
^[[rain + hail]]