Viewing page 164 of 200

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1497 ^[[-2]]
oki ma intiapka, water-closet (H)
oki niakbi, water-color (H)
oki yinatliskanosih, water-course (H)
oki yinatliobbahli mashofka, waterfall (H)
imaltiffa oki ishobaika, water-gauge (H)
[[strikethrough]] ókpābạle', wave, waterproof (H)[[/strikethrough]]
ok'chi, liquid, water in it (H)  ^[[(+K)]]
ok'cho, [[strikethrough]]causing watery (H)[[/strikethrough]] becoming liquid from, becoming liquid (H)
ok'ia, causing watery (H)
ok'ki, water, liquid (H)
ok'ko, that having water (H)
ochi'lo, to cook with water, to cook lye bread (H) ^[[(+K)]]
ochi'ka, to put something in water; something being in water, boiling in water (H) ^[[(+K)]]
ochi'ko, laying in the water; cook with water as a lye bread (H)
o'kpahạle', wave ^[[okołka' (K)]]
oki lappako, waterproof (H) ^[[(+K)]]
okuk oh, not water (H)
oki iksho, no water (H)
oki konoh, good water (H)
oki konkoh, bad water (H)
oki chumpulli, sweet water (H)
oki kaskaha, sour water (H)
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1498 ^[[-3]]
ok^[[i]] kŭssâ'tka, cold water (H) ^[[(+K)]]
ok ikbussi, warm water (H)
oki lŭkha, hot water (H) ^[[okî la'ẋka (K)]]
oki homma, red water (H)
oki lunna, yellow water (H)
[[strikethrough]] oki ca[[/strikethrough]]
oki lutcha, black water (H)
okiusba', [[strikethrough]]marsh,[[/strikethrough]] ^[[lake]] "strayed stream." ^[[water]]
oki nas imaiishilka, watering-place (H)
yukbunni holba okifa owika, water-shrew (H) ^[[yokbȧno aholba okīfa owata (K)]]
hannafulo okin pihli abahlon ma shoffih, water-spout (H)
okispachokoli, tank (H)
okistishilka chuba, tankard (H)
okistishilka, ^[[+ okîskā'pka (A + K)]] dipper (H)
okistichilkashi, cup, small cup (H)
okihimmi, whiskey (H)
" [[ditto for: okihimmi]] ishtshupahchi, to sell whiskey (H)
" [[ditto for: okihimmi]] issopa, a whisley [[whiskey]] seller (H)
" [[ditto for: okihimmi]] issohpa, a saloon (H)
" [[ditto for: okihimmi]] eiyahli, saloon-keeper (H)
[[strikethrough]]bakohukohi[[/strikethrough]] chuss hatka okihimmi, white corn whiskey (H)
teliko holba okihimi, rye whiskey (H)
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1499 ^[[-4]]
okapottakasih, shore (H)
okki hatka lappalli, seashore (H)
okapattakafa, ashore (H)
okki luppalikafa, on the shore (H)
[[strikethrough]] oko'hayomo', swamp iakha, by the shore (H) [[/strikethrough]]
^[[boggy water]]
okkuli, fount (H)
okki mapoyatlis faiko, fountain (H)
okkis holisso bisknok husho, ? (H)
ish hatchalimma okki, fountain-head (H)
il to'ka, become into water (H)
il to'ki, become into water (H)
il to'ko, having become into water (H)
okki pō'fka, whale (H) ^[["blowing in water"  (+K)]] 
o'ko, that which is being watery (H) ^[[(+K)]]
oko^[[‿]]hai'yemo', swamp (H)
okki luppulika aiakha, by the shore (H)
okchi, juice (H)
okchi yallih, juiciness (H)
okchihchi, juicy (H)
chumpuli apilchi im okchi, sugar-cane juice (H)
buhlka okchi, grape-juice (H)
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1500 ^[[-5]]
lu'tsa, swamp
^[[ok hā'yemō']]