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1221 ^[[-2]]
hlolhokwaili, fishing (H)
hlalho, ishuppache, fishmonger (H)
hlalho ishtibatchashaki patha, fishplate (H)
hlalho ishtokwaika apihche, ishtukwaika apihche, fishing-rod (H) ^[[(+K)]]
at hlalho mushuppatche, fish salesman (H)
tayiha hlalho ishuppa, fish-wife or fish-woman (H)
tayiha hlalho ishuppaha, ishuppatchiha, fish-women (H)
hlolh lutcha, a black fish (H)
at hlolh oyibbi, fisher (H) ^[[łȧłoîmokwai'lî (K)]]
hlolh shulotka ahha asha ittobalka, fish-ball (H) ^[[(+K)]]
nas hlalho ibba, fosh chuba', fish hawk (H)  ^[[(+K)]]
nas hlalho ippa, [[underline]]at hlolh oyibba,[[/underline]] fisher (H) ^[[(+K)]]
hlahlo oibbi, fish hawk (H)
hlahlo oyibipunah, fly-fishing (H) ^[[(+K)]]
hlahlo falakchissah, flying-fish (H) ^[[(+K)]]
łạłō'tok, some fish, various kinds of fish (t said to be pl. (168)

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hlama'pa, speed along (H)  ^[[(+K)]]
? hläm'ka, humming noise, as a bullet upon the air (H) ^[[łîmîka (K)]]

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łānā', horsefly
hlani'bi, hlani'pa, hose-fly killer, an insect that kills horse-flies (H)

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łạñgûlû'fka' , blowgun  ^[[ła'ñfotȧka'(K)]]

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iłā'pkā'stcon, old (house) (0123)  ^[[îłȧ'pka'stcî (A+K)]]

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^[[(cf. łaf)]]  ^[[îbîîsî'(K)]]
kla'sa, a clipping feather on the end which something ate up (H)
kla'so, that which is being a clipped feather (H)
klas'ka, to cut short (H)
klas'ko, to cut shorten (H)  ^[[ono'łko(K)]]
klas'li, becoming to cut short as an animal eat up for grass (H)
klas'lo, something does cutting short (H)
klas'sa, becoming to cut irregular (H)
klas'so, which being cutted short unlike (H)

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^[[łatcia]]   ^[[oktȧmahō'lîtcî(K)]]
hlachi'ha, muddily (H)
hlachi'ho, in muddily (H)
hlachi'li, to muddle (H)
hlachi'lo, having muddled (H)
hlachi'mo, muddiness (H)
hlachi'ya, muddy
hlats'ia, mud (H)
hlats'mo, having mud (H)
hlats'pi, being mud, mudded (H)

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hlats'ka, to gush to, to gush upon something (H)
hlats'ko, gushed at it, to gushed at (H)