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1258 ^[[-7]]
ło'[[strikethrough]]z[[/strikethrough]]^[[k]]ạ't, again
łokdō'k, he went after (pursued) (040)
mā'łoklek, he pursued on (040)
[[line connects mā'łoklek to the next line]]
łō'ktci^[[or o]]kōn,ome', did you drive them back? (or did you not drive them back?) (0119)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
1259 ^[[-8]]
hloh'^[[a]]li, to run afterwards, driving, running (H) ^[[(+K)]]
hloh'ti, one who does to run after (H)
mało'liego'k, he followed him (077)
łoyō'fkạt, they returned (0109) ^[[(+K)]]
małō'`lok, he ran after (0113d)
ishoło'holin, they pursued him with (dogs) (0133)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
1260 ^[[-1]]
łō'bga'`djōn, having a hole in it (63)
inhlomka, eyelet (H) ^[[inłû'bka (K)(pl.) [[plural]] ]]
hloba'fa, having hole (H) ^[[łobȧfî (K) (sing.) [[singular]] ]]
topkat hlobaffi, to pierce through (H) ^[[îsła'ẋkȧt łobȧfî (K)]]
anolit hlobaffi, worn through (H)
pulaẋkat hlobaffi, punched through (H) ^[[(+K)]]
hlobufi, to make a hole (H)
ōłobafilolo',^[[(they)]] will make holes (167)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
1261 ^[[-2]]
hlom'bi, make a hole, holing , a set to hole (H)
hlom'bo, causing to hole, did to make hole (H) ^[[(+K)]] ^[[he made a hole]]
hlo'cho, you did to make hole (H) ^[[łotcofê (K)]] ^[[to punch a hole with a hammer]]
hlom^[[b]]'ka, a hollow place, a hole place or at (H) ^[[(+K)]]
hlom^[[b]]'ko, that which a hole (H)
hlom'ti, that who does to make a hole (H)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
hlobo'ha, eat help themselves together as hogs (H)
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[[start page]]
klo'fa, a short article; as trimmed of an end; pertaining to stump (H)
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hloka'bi, manging animal (H)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
^[[hokobî (H+K)]]
kluk'^[[a]]bi, deep down without water; [[strikethrough]] (H) [[/strikethrough]] a deep vessel (H)
kluk'bo, too deep (H)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
^[[cf. 1250]]
łokłoge', speckled  ^[[tcû'ktcûkê (K)]]

Transcription Notes:
ȧ ạ ā ä ē é ê è ӗ ḣ C ī ï ł ⁿ ñ ṉ ō ǒ ọ ū û ŭ ü ẋ χ ‘ ’ ³ ᵋ