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1338 ^[[-3]]
sa'`min ometo'ñga, how is it to be done? (how is he to get well?) (023) ^[[sahamîn ōmîhā'wa (K)]]
kāgā'`mîn, he said like that (preceding)(29)
mahmifeh choka, it might be (H)
mamihchillatolu, it might (H)
ilma'la, in manner, relating to (H)
ilma'li, like manner (H)
ilma'lo, resembling (H)
ilmi'ta, unlike (H)
ilmi'to, unliked (H)
imma'la, same thing (H)
imma'li, in the same manner (H)
imma'lo, resembling to (H)
imma'mi, to agree upon (H)
imma'mo, always has being (H)
imma'ta, always used to (H) (perhaps from ata)
mo'lo, nice, a right one (H) ^[[(+K)]] 
mo'na?, how is it,, how it look? (H) ^[[molî' (K)]]
mo'ti, that right one (H)
ome'toñga', I wonder why it is like that (163)
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1339 ^[[-4]]
sa'wok omē'cok, just one raccoon (27)
? isma'la, favor, favor to (H)
isma'li, in like manner (H)
isma'lo, identify, like manner (H)
ma'h[[macron below "i"]], (adj.) to declare recollected, as so it was (H)
ma'ko, that was (H)
ma'li, same, like manner, neither (H)
ma'lo, same manner (H)
ma'mi, unquiet known said, as I unknown or can't tell, [[strikethrough]] becom[[/strikethrough]] become better (H)
ma'mo, to believe and said, so doing, truth (H)
^[[?]] mo'ko, not quiet (H)
che mallo, thou doest (H)
ho mallo, chummallo, they do (H)
akok omitti, akok omittolo, he did (H)
akok ohum mitti, ohum mittih, they did (H)
chisnok onchitti, thou did (H)
pusknok [[macron below "o"]]ṉ hilitti, we did (H)
husknok [[macron below "o"]]ṉ hachitti, you did (H)
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1340 ^[[-5]]
mahmosin, justly (H)
nāsmî'ntok, another thing (26)
mahmi, may (H)
mahmaaluh, notice, noticeable (H)
om'mi, (v.t.) to hold an opinion, to cause causing (H)
om'mo, account of (H)
ma''mok, then (161)
ma`mō'sin, then (162)
akami'χtcit, it is that way (163)
nā'sok ma`milaho'koyon ontcō'', nothing can happen that way (168)
[[strikethrough]] mapi'nhamoo, way down [[/strikethrough]]
gā'χạmifō'gon, when it was about (172)
mạma'`mit, just like (01)
sa'min omitû'mka, what is the matter? (sa'min omit onka', why does it make that noise?) (05)
o'mbitoha', it was so (just so) (05)
akā'mebī'kạt tco'tohon, it continued so all[[strikethrough]]t[[/strikethrough]] the time (06)
yā'mō'ciyok, not enough (little as this) (010)
ikomạma'ł, let him (kill it) (014)