Viewing page 139 of 200

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1341 ^[[-6]]
sahmih, sahmihchih, mih, mihchih, ommi, mamihchih, do (H)
nas shamihchia, doer (H)
akkomihchih, akkomihchoh, does (H)
akkomihchitti, did (H)
mamihchallolo, akkomihchalallo, chamallo, I do (H)
unnok omilliti, I did (H)  ^[[ȧnok omî'lîs(K)]]
chimmallo, thou doest (H)
akkok ommoh, he does (H)
pon mallo, we do (H)
hatchi mallo, you do (H)
ho mollo, they do (H) ^[[(+K)]]
ohommollo, they did (H)  
ạmalī'yan, my doings (or business) (035)
ontce'mał, you do the same (035)(follows above)
yûnûmilati', this one like this (?) (036)
mạma'toha, the same thing happened (067)
ilohomạtci'tcitoha, they caused him to be dressed up (0124)
ạkā'mi'tcok, it was like this (0126)
ạga'meyogo', he is like that (0131)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
1342 ^[[-7]]
unā'mîn, always(24)
unā'mît, always(24)
onami, yet (H)
olhkon tok onamo, not there yet (H)
iklon tok onamo, not come yet (H)
owillat mashuftok onamo, overflowing yet (H)
ehuhchat alahkatok onamo, long time yet (H)
nihta numpot tok onamo, several days yet (H)
monkomo, not yet (H)   ^[[mȧñkō'konos(K)]]
olhkoh mobi, not there yet (H)  ^[[ołkō'konas (K)]]
iklo mobi, not come yet (H)
iklommo, yet to come (H)
sobaitakomobi, I don't know yet (H)
cha lomobe, I do not come yet (H)  ^[[(+K)]]
tcimaka'xmilo', it will be like that to you (043)
[[strikethrough]]tcimạ'ngạle'tcō, why do you do so? (054)[[/strikethrough]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
1343 ^[[-8]]
mî'ntot, another ^[[?]] (17)    ^[[(mē'tot (K)]]
mạmamema'lok, the same thing happened again (preceded by łō'^[[o]]gạt) (070)
oxkā'ạmiyạn, (akā'‘miyạn ?), that sort of thing (?) (070)
mạlma'‘mit, it kept happening (073)
omemā'pō, it is like that (083)  ^[[(+K)]]
[[strikethrough]] mamī'mok, well (094) [[/strikethrough]]
ma‘mī'mok, well! (094)
akok o'memā'łûk, he followed him (096)
nạ'ksikomī'yạn, who [[strikethrough]]does[[/strikethrough]] ^[[did]]] that [[strikethrough]]?[[/strikethrough]] (0101)
ome'ga'‘tci, it was like that (or it did so) (0106)
[[strikethrough]]mạk[[/strikethrough]] mạlạmefāmā'lon, just like it (0110)
ō'mate', it is a bear (0118)
o^[[a]]ka'miya'’, that sort (0118)  ^[[kā'mima' (K)]]
ma‘mo', that's right (0124)   ^[[māms (F)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
mif, ^[[ł?]]
ismi'fa, to sliding off (H)
ismi'fi, to scrape off to harm (H)  ^[[îs'tehofîtcê (K) ]]
ismi'fo, being scraped from drags (H)  ^[[([[?]]) îcictcȧfê]]
mif'fi, to wipe off, one who acts wipe (H)
mif'fo, wiped off (H)
mif'ka, wipe (H)
mif'ko, wiped (H)
mif'ti, having being wiped (H)
^[[mî'łka, to wipe off a little]]            ^[[mîłeka łihō'kfî (sing) ]]  
^[[________ [[ditto for: mî'łka]] tci, " " [[ditto for: to wipe off a]] lot of things]]    ^[[łihō'lîtcî (pl) (K)]]