Viewing page 143 of 200

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mota okiluh, forgetful (H) ^[[akē'lo (K)]]
mota okilun iṉfatko, forget to tell
muti akkiluh fehna, forgetfully (H) ^[[mȧ'ntî akīlo fe'hena (K)]]
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mot[[macron below "o"]] (?)
immō't[[macron below "o"]], that his business then (H) ^[[(+K)]]
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1374 ^[[-1]]
ạfā'ktcî hîctonā'mîn, all the skin of both together (13) ^[[afȧktco' ______ [[ditto for: hîctonā'mîn]] (K)]]
ohatcạ'kimō'nak, they followed always [[strikethrough]]so[[/strikethrough]] (135) 
ałē'namon, he went along (141) ^[[ałē'ya (K)]]
onditok ona't, it came on, kept coming (034) ^[[(+K)]]
ạłạto'k hona'ntoha, he went on continually (092) ^[[(+K)]]
aka'tohonā'mi, continuing to do so (0112)
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1375 ^[[-2]]
^[[na, (nito)]]
ōhîtạna'´lok, they gathered together (16) ^[[(+K)]]
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1376 ^[[-1]]
^[[see-ma + is (you)]]
^[[anȧ'p nasosot ȧna' (K)]]
îna'ᵋ nā'cocok ạnā'hobi', I got a little something (30-31) [[strikethrough]]îna' ^[[îctîmîmîlkano]] [[/strikethrough]] ^[[īmîlkana (K)]]
? ishtnahofa, isht^[[î]]naho, right hand (H) ^[[îctîmîlkano (A)]]
taiyi in naho, married man (H) ^[[(+K)]]
nani in naho, married woman (H) ^[[(+K)]]
inna'ha, got, possess, have, had, has (H) ^[[(+K)]]
inna'ho, have, possession; to bring forth a child (H)
isna'ha, to rich (H)
isna'ho, rich; become rich (H) ^[[(+K)]]
na'ho, possess, occupy, use; in hand, plenty, alone, any, have (H) ^[[taye îcnȧ'ho (K)]]
isht naho, moneyed (H)
ishtnahochili tombachih, purse-proud (H) ^[[îcnā'ho hîlayû'ktcî (K)]]
itạna'hạlit, gathered (had together) (165) ^[[(+K)]]
itạna'ˋkok, all together (018)
ohitạnạ'hạlok, they gathered (018)
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1377 ^[[-2]]
înā'´hō'cạn, they got (corn) (6)
naho, have (H)
un naho, I have (H) ^[[(+K)]]
unnaho be, I have it (H)
mok un naho be, I have it also (H)
tobaya un naho, I have made (H)
chin naho, thou hast (H)
akkak [[macron below "i"]] naho, [[strikethrough]] akkok[[/strikethrough]] he has (H)
pon naho, we have (H)
pon naho be, we have it (H)
hatchin naho, you have (H)
chin naho, they have (H) ^[[(+K)]]
chin naho lo, they have it (H) ^[[ohînnahōs (K)]]
nahoton, had (H)
un nahoton, un naho kahchih, I had (H)
chin nahoton, chin nahokahchih, thou hadst (H)
in nahoton, in nahokahchih, he had (H)
pon nahoton, pon nahokahchih, we had (H)
hatchin nahoton, hȧtchin nahoka^[[χ]]hchih, you had (H) ^[[(+K)]]
ohin nahoton, ohin nahokahchih, they had (H)