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unasanitci', sinew ^[[(+K)]]
be^[[‿ ]]he'unasanitci', bow-sinew ^[[(+K)]]
^[[onasamitci', to screw it up (+K)]]
^[[onasanạpạ'nitce, to wrap it around (+K) (end of bow string was wrapped around to gather up slack) [[strikethrough]]the bow) just [[out? east?]] [[/strikethrough]] ]]
sa'mosạn onasạnka'tcebạn inłoile'djit, a little unscrewed (05)
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isht onkȧffa', right-handed (H) ^[[ [[strikethrough]](+K)[[/strikethrough]] îmîlkā'no (K)]]
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1564 ^[[-1]] 
ontibī'kạtoha', we were coming long ago (4) ^[[īlmā'kȧtohe (K)]]
ontibī'kạt, coming on continually (4)
ontebē'kastobā'`pok, they came on always (4)
o'ntitofē'nan, where elephant came (36)
ontī'togok, come this way and (69)
ó'ntitokaba', come this way! (70) ^[[î'lmaho'ks (K)]]
istontebē'katoha', they came with (73)
onti'toma'ł, it came (only?) (146)
amon'ti, come unto me (H) ^[[(+K)]]
akkan onti, ohonti, come right on (H) ^[[akon o'ntīs (K)]]
unta tolluh, I try to come (H)
imon'ta, to coming to; to gain (H)
imon'ti, come toward to him; come into him (H)
imon'to, that which something to come by (H)
pa-unto, become (H) ^[[(+K)]]
ma fa untili mulu, I am become (H) ^[[mafa ontîlî'tcōs]]
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1565 ^[[-2]]
ontē'k ontē'k, it came, it came (27)
pai unti, approached him (H)
unti, come (H)
untih, come in (H) coming (H)
[[strikethrough]]ishtin[[/strikethrough]] tullun unti, come here (H)
om unti, come to me (H)
untih, untit illa, come (H)
ontebē'gatoha', they|came back (171)
yûnontī'djo', come here! (04)
o'nditok-hona'mit, they came on always (013)
o'nditoñgo'k, it is coming, they said (?) (020)
o'nditoñgạn, he heard coming (025)
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1566 ^[[-3]]
ondîtcā'fefō'gān, when they started to come on (25) ^[[ontîtȧtca'lefogûn (K)]]
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1567 ^[[-4]]
ûnteⁿ'djîn, they coming along (24) ^[[(+K)]]