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1568 ^[[-5]]
ûndedjîstōba'‘pîn, they kept coming on(24)
^[[ontetcîhañkā'pîn (K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
1569 ^[[-6]]
ondîtcē'k ondî'tcîto'k, they came on, they came on(23-24) ^[[(+K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
1570 ^[[-7]]
hacu^[[o]]tạ'mmi u^[[o]]ntîlîtoha' , I c[[strikethrough]]o[[//strikethough]]^[[a]]me from the west ^[[ ontî'tcîtoha (K)]]
" [[ditto for: hacu^[[o]]tạ'mmi]] a[[strikethrough]]ss[[/strikethrough]]^[[łł]]ạlā'ho', I go to the west
kacatkac hȧ'yû u^[[o]]'ntîlîtu^[[o]]ha', I came from the north ^[[(or cold)]] ^[[(10 yrs. ago]]
^[["cold"]] ^[[hayon or hayo]] ^[["inside"]]
" " [[ditto for: kacatkac hȧ'yû]] ạ[[strikethrough]]ss[[/strikethrough]]^[[łł]]alaho', I go to the north
^[[ontîlî'kha + ontîlîłoha']]
^[[ [[just?]] the same time ago]]
 ontolo', he came (096)
ontebe'hạskạlolo', you come back quickly (0113)
i'stontitō'n, he came on (0113d)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
onu^[[o]]ssih, rice (H) ^[[alō'so (K]]
onushi ippa, rice bird or birds (H) 
onussih fosi, rice bird (H) ^[[_____ [[ditto for: alō'so]] îpa (K)]]
onussih atchihlih, rice-farm (H)
onussih humma, red rice (H)  ^[[______ [[ditto for: alō'so]] atcihālî (K)]]
onussih hissih holisso, rice-paper (H) 
onushi isht chailka, rice cleaner (H) ^[[_____ [[ditto for: alō'so]] krłtape' (K)]]
onushi isht buka, rice cleaner (H)
Japanka im onussih, Japan rice (H)
Hindo im onussih, Hindu rice (H)
onushi ashulotka, baked or cooked rice (H) ^[[_____ [[ditto for: alō'so]] afû'lka (K)]]
onushi aia shulotka rice boiler (H) ^[[_____ [[ditto for: alō'so]] îctafûlka (K)]]
onush waia, rice-plant (H) ^[[aloso pokte' (K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
ō'pā, hooting owl   opa, owl (H) ^[[(+K)]]
opa, owl (H)
opa'ia, an owl (H)
op'pa, owl (H)
oktakifa opa, prairie owl (H) ^[[(+K)]]
opa yahmih, owlish (H) ^[[(+K)]]
opa lauat alpisha fehna ya, owlery (H)
opushi, opa ucho'shi, owlet (H) ^[[(+K)]]
opa yahchi opa ilitobachi, opa toba, owlish (H)
opa chubah, old owl (H)
opakạ'łok, the owl however (0113)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
opaiyîfkā', bent ^[[down]] ^[[(+K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
1574 ^[[-1]]
opi,   (api ?)  (H)
ibao'pi, ^[[alopî (K)]] something headed to it, or make out handle to it (H)
ibao'po, stating having put headed to it, or handle to it (H)
im-ao'pa, to make handle to it for it (H)
im-ao'pi, to fix handle in (H)  ^[[îmayûktcî' (K)]] 
[[bottom half of following line cut off]]
im-ao'po, did fixed handle in (H)

Transcription Notes:
*I am unsure of the handwritten "r" on card 1571 line 7, can't think what else it could be but haven't seen "r"s anywhere