Viewing page 178 of 200

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1596 ^[[-5]]
odjunā'n, iron (obj.) (7)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
1597 ^[[-6]]
utsunā^[[|]]lā'na, brass, [[strikethrough]]copper[[/strikethrough]] (la'na, yellow) ^[[(+K)]]
^[[îslûtca'ᵋ, copper  (+K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
1598 ^[[-7]]
o'tcon tạ'łkā, wire screen ^[[(+K)]]
otchunna holihta ishtachuska, wire nails (H) ^[[+K)]]
otchunna ishtalikcho, wire rope (H)
otchunna pulhkachi, wire-spool (H) ^[[(+K)]]
otchunna [[underlined]]ishassatapa,[[/underlined]] wire-stretcher (H) ^[[îsmā'pka (K)]]
otchunna hatka, galvanized wire (H) ^[[(+K)]]
otchunna wanha, steel wire (H) ^[[hînābe (K)]]
otchun lutcha, iron-wire (H) ^[[(+K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
1599 ^[[-8]]
otcon^[[|n]]ā'tkā, tin ^[[(+K)]]
^[[ [[strikethrough]]whole[[/strikethrough]] ]]
^[[otcon' hatka   white metal]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
o'djoskû'n, eggs (086)
(k)otcûskia'´, eggs (086)
aka'kûtcû'skok, hen eggs (0116)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
ō'tchûnafa paȧ'hła, fineness, finery (H) ^[[(+K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
1602 ^[[-1]]
[[strikethrough]]otage',[[/strikethrough]] prairie
^[[ō'tākī'   pahê'fa' (+K)]]
û'tako'cifon, on a little prairie (06) ^[[pahosîfa (K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
1603 ^[[-2]]
u'tax, prairie
u'tax wăcu', prarie wolf ^[[pa'hefa waco' (K)]]
^[[ō'tȧg wạco']]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
1604 ^[[-3]]
ûtā'gîfạ î'płō[[strikethrough]]'[[/strikethrough]], prarie dog ^[[pahefa î'pło (K)]]
^[["prarie squirrel"]]