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1615 ^[[-4]]

im ih'pa, to eat more among from (H)
im ih'po, state of being to eat more from (H)
opayî'bạ^[[t]], they eating on his back (33)
ilpah, nas ilpa, olimpa, food (H)
nas ilpa konno, good food (H)
puskushi im ishilka, im ilpa, infant food (H)
isht hompanka, Indian club (H) (?)
itai'pa, grazing, eat from ground (H) ^[[(+K)]]
itai'po, being eat from ground (H)
ishti'pa, using with to mouth, as spoon, etc. (H)
ishti'po, something using to mouth, as spoon, etc. (H)
ishpo't[[macron below "o"]], you had plenty to ate then (H)
ishpo'lo, to make it eat already (H)
ishpo'la, you still have eat from time to time (H)
ishpa'so, indicating something you did eat (H)
ishpa'ta, now is you get food is plenty (H)
ishpa'ti, I know you having to eat (H)
ishpa't[[macron below "o"]], you becomes to ate on them ^[[?]] (H)
im ik'pa, let him help to eat together (H)
im ik'po, not to do eat with, not to be eat with (H) ^[[+K]]
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1616 ^[[-5]]
im is'pa, something nice food you ate from (H)
im is'po, you ate something nice food from (H)
cho'lîmpōt, something for them to eat (25)
[[macron below "i"]]has'pa, you are both ate from his (H)
[[macron below "i"]]has'po, guessing and ask; as you are ate from his (H)
ihik'pa, to slow to try to eat, [[strikethrough]](H)[[/strikethrough]] to want eat in quiet (H)
ihik'po, that which not eating much (H)
ihil'pa, we do eat it up in right along (H)
ihil'po, that which we eat most the time (H)
ihom'pa, nourish, appetite (H)
ihom'po, nourished (H)
ihpa'ba, state of being who does eat well (H)
ihpa'fa, a place to where a digest (H)
ihpa'ha, eat all you can (H)
ihpa'hi, more digestive (H)
[[circled]]ihpa'ba, state of being who does eat well (H)
ihpa'fa, a place to where a digest (H)
ihpa'ha, eat all you can (H)
ihpa'hi, more digestive (H)[[/circled]] ^[[ [[dupihest?]] ]]
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1617 ^[[-6]]
in ak'pa, I eat on (H) ^[[not ?]]
in ak'po, I eat not (H)
îsnōk` nā'sî oktcā'yāt île'yon îcpaxtcō'lelolo', you will eat anything living that has died (17)
ihpa'ho, one who is able to be ate more (H)
ihpa'ka, indicating [[strikethrough]]one[[/strikethrough]] that one who does eat too much (H)
ihpa'ko, that which was eat frequently (H)
ihpa'la, I still had eat on (H)
i[[strikethrough]]h[[/strikethrough]]^[[ẋ]]pȧ'li, I can beat eat most of it (H) [[^, let me eat first! (K)]]
ihpa'lo, I can eat more rest of us do (H)
ihpa'ma, one who eat or agreed most (H)
ihpa'na, to requested about eat well or slow (H)
ihpa'ni, let give him eat more first thing (H)
ihpa'no, already being eat more of it (H)
ihpa'pa, more eat about (H)
ihpa'pi, to eat more of it (H)
ihpa'po, that which was eat for a while (H)
ihpa'sa, indicating of who is to eat more (H)
ihpa'si, eat some more (H)
ihpa'so, state of being having eat more frequently (H)
ihpa'ta, now is can eat more (H)