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1621 ^[[-10]]
imil'pa, bait (H)
im il'po, lure, something for food (H)

pā'yîbạt, eating it upon her (31)
ishpa'ka, that which you does eating (H)
ishpa'ko, that which does you ate (H)
ishpa'ma, something what you ate (H)
ishpa'mo, whenever you eat (H)
ishpa'na, you had appetite on or not? (H)
ishpa'ni, I let you eat (H)
ishpa'no, done had it eat, I know you done it had (H)
ishpa'pa, you more eat of it (H)
ishpa'pî, to requested about have been eat[[strikethrough]]en[[/strikethrough]] it (H) ^[[are you sure you can eat? (+K)]]
ishpa'po, you did not much forbid to eat (H)
ishpa'sa, indicating that you does eat or appetite on (H)
ishpa'si, you ate some more (H)
ishpa'ia, that which is something what you eat (H)
ishpa'ho, state of [[strikethrough]]bine something[[/strikethrough]] being that you have something to eat (H)
ishpa'hi, you have to eat (H)
ishpa'ha, indicating that you something to eat (H)
ishpa'fa, a place of where you eating (H)
ishpa'ba, I know you did eat it (H)
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1622 ^[[-11]]
ikpa'po, state of not having able to eat (H)
ikpo'bi, not to eat any (H)
ikpo'cha, giving not to eat (H)
ikpo'chi, not let have it to eat (H)
ikpo'cho, giving nothing to eat (H)
ikpo'fa, a place of nothing bother to eat (H)
ikpo'ha, to tell it forbid to eat (H)
ikpo'ia, ikpo'ya, avoid to eat, one who does not eat it (H)
ikpo'ka, indicating state of who does not agree for eat (H)
ikpo'ko, that which was not eat (H)
ikpo'la, state of quality not able to have eat (H)
ikpo'li, is not eat it none of it? (H)
ikpo'lo, I don't think he can eat or not (H)
ikpo'ma, one who does not eat something (H)
ikpo'mo, one who shall not eat (H)
ikpo'na, to requested about eating to be (H)
ikpo'no, I don't suppose to be eating of any (H)
ikpo'sa, indicating who is not to be eating
ikpo'si, not quite agree to; or not eat too much (H)
ikpo'so, not eating; without eating, saving (H)
ikpo'ta, now is anybody to eat that used for food (H)
i[[strikethrough]]l[[/strikethrough]]kpo'ti, he had not eat a bit (H)
ikpo'to, not to be eating, then (H)
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1623 ^[[-12]]
ilcha'pa, to come and consumed me (H)
ilcha'po, he come out and to chew me (H)
ilchi'pa, to come to consumed you (H)
ilchi'po, that which come to kill you now (H)(consume?)
ilhi'pa, to act of destroyed of my own (H)
ilhi'po, cause to become and of me (H)
ilih'pa, causing to be eating so often for himself (H)
ilih'po, that which something eat his own self (H)
ilip'pa, to eat himself as an animal (H)
ilip'po, that which was something to eat for carcass (H)
ilis'pa, becomes eat yourself, act of ate yourself (H)
ilis'po, expect to be you eat yourself (H)
ilpa'ba, let's we'll try to eat (H)
ilpa'fa, a place of meal (H)
ilpa'cha, state of being having to make it eating (H)
ilpa'chi, causing to make eat (H)
ilpa'cho, state of being giving something to eat (H)
ilpa'fa, a place to where get meal on (H)
[[strikethrough]]ilpa'fi, to come to ge[[/strikethrough]]
ilpa'ha, state of indicating to act to eat together (H)
ilpa'hi, causing to be eating (H)