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1624 ^[[-13]]
ilpa'ho, indicating to act to be eating (H)
ilpa'ia, that which is food (H)
ilpa'ka, state of indicating which does eating together (H)
ilpa'ko, what we eat the day (H)
ilpa'ma, nutriment (H)
ilpa'mo, aliment; the which nourishes (H)
ilpa'ni, let we eating first thing (H)
ilpa'no, we had done finished eating (H)
ilpa'pa, to partly to eat (H)
ilpa'pi, we eat more (H)
ilpa'po, we would be try to eat (H)
ilpa'sa, indicating that which is being eat together (H)
ilpa'si, in small food (H)
ilpa'so, state of being, we having does eat (H)
ilpa'ta, now we have tried in eat (H)
ilpa'ti, we had been eat together (H)
ilpa't[[macron below "o"]] we had ate of it then (H)
ilpa'yo, the nutriment or nutritious or food (H)
ilpo'ka, pertaining to use for food (H)
ilpo'ki, let have to eat (H)
ilpo'l[[macron below "a"]] that is used for food (H)
ilpō^[[la]]'li, to requested about used for food or not (H) ^[[it is good to eat, not poison (+K)]]
ilpo'lo, state of being that which is used for food (H) 
ilpo'na, to requested about to know, use for food or not [[^(H)]]
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1625 ^[[-14]]
ipah'cha, to him chewing (H)
ipah'chi, to chew (H)
ipah'cho, to masticated (H)
ipak'ha, state of indicating that who does [[^being]] eating (H)
ipam'ma, that which something to ate on (H)
ipam'mo, whenever is eat it (H)
ipam'pa, to requested about that it appetite some (H)
ipam'po, to get nourish or digested (H)
ipan'na, to having food on? (H)
ipan'no, I satisfy him eating along (H)
ippa'ba, try to eat: let's see you try to eat (H)
ippa'cha, indicating has been going to feed (H)
ippa'chi, to feed (H)
ippa'cho, appetize to (H)
ippa'fa, a place where to eat at (H)
ippa'ha, eater, consumer (H)
ippa'hi, causing to be eating (H)
ippa'ho, causing to act to eating (H)
ippa'ia, ippa'ya, that which nourished, nourishment (H)
ippa'ka, one who that which does eat on (H)
ippa'ko, some left that does eating (H)
ippa'la, I still have eating on (H)
ippa'li, I eat it on (H)
ippa'lo, I do eating (H)
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1626 ^[[-15]]
ippa'ma, that which to ate something or destroy (H)
ippa'mo, whenever eating (H)
ippa'na, he has appetite or not? (H)
ippa'ni, let him eat first (H)
ippa'no, I know him done had to eat (H)
ippa'pa, might near try to eat (H)
ippa'pi, in plenty used for that (food?) (H)
ippa'po, state of plenty used for that food (H)
ippa'sa, indicating that who has being ate some (H)
ippa'si, to heavy eating (H)
ippa'so, state of being ate something to,at (H)
ippa'ta, any time to eat (H)
ippa'ti, having something to eat (H)
ippa't[[macron below "o"]], now he had ate on then (H)
ippo'ba, state of being that who does begin to eat (H)
ippo'ch[[macron below "a"]], look a there! eating (H)
ippo'chi, (same) (H)
ippo'la, I guess satisfy he ate all right (H)
ippo'li, to requested about to eat or not (H)
ippo'lo, state of being indicating who does eat (H)
ippo'ma, look a there! eating or ruin (H)
ippo'na, to requested about used for food or not (H)
ippo'no, state of which is used for food (H)
ippo'ta, now I have plenty my eat (H)