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1627 ^[[-16]]
ippo'ti, I have found and eat all right (H)
ippo'to, would be it anyhow (H)
ischa'po, to consume of me (H)
ischi'pa, to come and eat you (H)
ischi'po, did come and eat you (H)
kil'po, we didn't appetite with it (H)
tukŭ'l chuba hishi î'ppa, apple tree aphis (H) ^[[(+K)]]
itto hishi ippa, army-worm (H) ^[[(+K)]]
hishupatha ippa, cabbage-worm (H) ^[[(+K)]]
im ilpa, fish bait (H) hlalho im ilpa, fish bait (H)
ohumpalitti, ohumpaliṉ cholin omo, I did eat (H)
? poh'pa, anything get for food in yards as a bird (H)
poh'pi, did anything come to yards received for food (H)
oik'po, not to bite with bait as a fish (H)
aolimpafa hatchali, aiompo imisha, side-board (H)
ii'pa, adj. still ate on (H)
ii'po, adj. ate on and on (H)
ī'b^[[p]]ạtī'b^[[p]]ạtoha', he kept eating (0126)
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1628 ^[[-17]]
ishpo'cha!, ishpo'chi!, look a there!', I see you eat, you did not forbid such a thing (H)
i'pạt, ate (161)
i'nkạtepas bạ'nok, he wanted to feed the frog (164)
^[[a?]] oholi'mpa´ka moce'mon, he put on some food (171)
oholi'mpak, food (171)
oholi'mpan, food (171)
hopûckā'noco', I want fresh meat ("good things to eat"?)(07)
iñkạtipạ'tohon, she gave them to eat (010)
oste'ipok, he got there and ate (055)
iñgạtibạtoha', he gave him to his little ones as food (077)
ạ'patoha'´, she ate them  (086)
lati'tipa, he ate [[strikethrough]]of it[[/strikethrough]] himself (098) ^[[, he has eaten (a few) himself]]
ibicna'litipa', he has eaten himself (098)
ipạlahō'toha, he ate them (100)
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pā'bạ'tka, a settle ^[[(anything put on a chair)  [[strikethrough]](+K)[[/strikethrough]]  pabatā'ka (+K)]]
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paffichit ishtomakaia, acceptancy (H) ^[[î'cîtkȧstamā'ka (K)]]
ilpa'fi, to come to get a challenge (H) ^[[îtpa'fî (K)]]
ilpa'fo, state of being who come and get a challenged (H) ^[[(+K)]]
paf'ka, nominate (H)
paf'ko, nominated (H)
paf'ti, being nominated (H)
pa'fi, to demand somebody to prepare before a feast day (H) ^[[(+K)]]
pa'fo, a ladies to demand a person to kill deer before a feast day (H)
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ohimpa'fotcitoha', they picked up and threw away (162) ^[[(+K)]]
? hobạfe'tcoⁿ, they got (a stick) (057) ^[[hosî'tko (K)]]
pạ'fitcitoha', she picked it up (086)
pạfe'djok, he picked some up (101)
o'pạfạdji'´djok, he picked them up in water (0105)
bafī'djit, he picked it up and (0112)
pạfī'dj^[[tci(]]ok^[[)]], he picked up (0126) ^[[(+K)]]