Viewing page 186 of 200

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1632 ^[[-1]]
pa'χgạt, shouting (l) ^[[(+K)]]
pah'ka, a high ball; holla; a shout (H) ^[[(+K)]]
pah'ko, [[strikethrough]]sout[[/strikethrough]] shouted, having holla (H)
mapā'gạtoha', he heard a shout there (026) ^[[(+K)]]
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1633 ^[[-2]]
ba`gạdiⁿ', what he shouted (20)
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1634 ^[[-3]]
matạpạna'gạn, shouted out
imapạnạ'katon, he shouted to them (035)
ạpạnā'´kā'mon, if he shouts (161) ^[[pāẋkatoha (K)]] ^[[shouting when lost in woods +c [[etc]] ]]
ạpạnā'χgahā'mon, somebody shouted (across) (162)
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1635 ^[[-1]]
^[[321 (!)]]
pạ^[[h]]xni', creek ^[[(162)  hȧẋtcî' (K)]]
pạχ^[[c]]ni' tcû'bạ, river, "big creek"
pah'ni, a stream, creek, river (H)
pan'ia, creeks, streams (H)
okpa'`nusi, a creek (062) ^[[hȧẋtcusî (K)]]
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1636 ^[[-2]]
^[[ [[strikethrough]]cf. pana[[/strikethrough]] ]]
pah'na, a shallowed (H) ^[[okī'ⁿ cûloktcî' (K)]]
pah'no, state having shallow (H)
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pai'ka', twine, cords (H) ^[[(+K)]]
pai'ko, cording, having spinned (H)
pai'li, to spinning, spinning-wheel (H) ^[[to twist string (K)]]
pai'lo, become to spinned (H)
pai'ti, one who does spinning (H)
bạksạ'bai'gạn, a string, "twisted bạksa" (0121)
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1638 ^[[-1]]
apai'ka, roasted, parched, scorched (H)
apai'ko, unroasted, unparched, unscorched (H)
apai'li, roasting, parching, scorching, to [[underline]]parch[[/underline]] (H) ^[[(K)]]
apai'lo, having roasted, parched (H)
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1639 ^[[-2]]
pa^[[‿]]îk^[[a]]batchi, to parboil (H) ^[[to parch again (K)]]