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1687 ^[[-1]]
^[[1572 (?)]]
^[[peh, a pex, to take]]
îlape'`tcok, (come and?) take them (8) ^[[(+K)]]
pe'`lok, he took
^[[?{]] [[connected to following two lines]]
ipi'la, to gaining anything in property, good luck in [[strikethrough]]proper[[/strikethrough]] property (H)
ipi'lo, that which gaining in property in short while (H)
oihaleit pihli, to take altogether (H)
oihan pihlih, to take all (H) ^[[ohiān tcȧmpulîs'tîmpe (K)]]
chumpuli ishtimpihli, to take out (as honey) (H)
^[[under pihta]] apihche, handle (H)
impi'li, to get away from, covetous (H)
impi'lo, to get from or to take [[strikethrough]]from[[/strikethrough]] away (H)
pih'ka, pl. all arrested, [[strikethrough]](H)[[/strikethrough]] anything get at once (H)
pih'ko, did get or take at once (H)  ^[[to take at]]
pih'li, one who get, one who received in hand (H) ^[[(+K)]]
pih'lo, state that who does received (H)
pih'ti, received in long time ago, get first (H)
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1688 ^[[-2]]
apih'ka, the something to from, as a disburse or anything (H) ^[[ītape'ẋka îstape'ẋka (K)]]
apih'ko, stating having accepted (H)
apih'li, to recompense (H)
apih'lo, having recompensed (H)
ishpi'ta, to give some money for (H)
ishpi'to, having [[strikethrough]]som[[/strikethrough]] give some money for it (H)
ilpita, to come to give obligation (H) ^[[ī'tîñk (K)]]
ilpito, to does come to give obligation (H)
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1689 ^[[-3]]
pē[[strikethrough]]ⁿ'[[/strikethrough]]ł^[[k]]gan, they kept it (baby) (31) ^[[(+K)]]
ishpi'la, to take all he has (H)
ishpi'li, to take both of it (H)
ishpi'lo, to take both of it (H)
[[strikethrough]]ishpi'na, to do guilty upon as lust, adultery, etc. (H)[[/strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]]ishpi'no, that which he [[strikethrough]]cause[[/strikethrough]] came to do something as lust (H)[[/strikethrough]]
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1690 ^[[-4]]
îlapê'helok, he took them (25) ^[[(+K)]]
o'stcapiłoka'´, carry me! (162)
hopile'mûn, [[strikethrough]]took all[[/strikethrough]] they took all (010)
pe`lelolō', he shall have them 2 (0108) ^[[pe'helelōs (K)]]
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(cf. opiya)
pihakko, yesterday (H)  ^[[nîẋtȧ'ko (K)]]
pihakko tih kasatka ya, I was cold yesterday (H)
ollafun aia litti pihakon, I went to town yesterday (H)
pihako opiashiko, yester-eve (H)
pihako nihlili, yester-morn, yesterday morning (H)
beha'gon, yesterday
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pih'sa, proudly, couraging (H) ^[[mȧ'tȧkē'tcî (K)]]
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pi'χtago^[[a]]k, up (o more?) (168) ^[[pe'helîtȧks (K)]]
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pi'kayo'n, a nickel (070) ^[[(+K)]]