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1713 ^[[-2]]
^[[600 ?]]
pih'si, too often sucking milk (H)
pih'so, state having too often sucked milk (H)
wak impishnia ishuppa, one who sells butter (H)
wak impishnia ishulpa, sell butter (H)
wak impish hahpa, sweet milk (H)
wak impish wolohki, clabber (H)
împîs[[overwritten]]i[[/overwritten]]^[[ē]]', [[strikethrough]]bre[[/strikethrough]] a woman's breast
impi'sa, suckling (H)
impi'si, sucking milk, suckling (H)
impi'so, sucked milk (H)
pis'ka, unweaned, still sucked, always for suck^[[l]]ing (H)
pis'ko, not having suck, to wean (H)
pis'ki, sucking on (H)
pissi im okpallali ahlka, cream cup (H)
pissi im okpallali, pissi pana nia, cream ^[[wak împî'sî î'mokpokā'lî (K)]] (H)
pissi im okpalali isht hachali, cream pitcher (H)
pissi ishtim okpallakachi, cream separator (H)
fama hak pissin mahotuhnot, pis nia mamok chiska hotubachia, creamery (H) 
bashili taiyi, bapishili taiyiha, gentle woman or women (H)
pissi faian ossat nia, cream cheese (H)
pishokche koskaha, sour milk or whey (H)
bapishili, gentleman (H)
bapishili ha (pl.), gentlemen (H)
bapishili ishta hubahchih, gentleman-like (H)
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pī'sa,^[[trems.]] declare (H)
pī'so, declared (H)
^[[tawȧ'sbȧtcî (+) motȧkē'tcî (K) ?]]
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[[start page]]
piskatchali, [[underlined]]impiskȧtchā'li,[[/underlined]] a water-bug(H) ^[[(+K)]]
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^[[cf. pis (+K)]]
pît'chi, [[underlined]]mamma[[/underlined]] (H)
pii'chi, a calling mamma (H)
pi'chi, mamma (H)
impi'tcin, their mother (09)
pitcima', their mother (010)
impi'tcigon, her mother (060)
pikifa'gûn, to her mother (pitcifa'gūn) (0128)
^[[(a person uses this when talking to his own mother) ]]
^[[(îkî, common word)]]
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1717 ^[[-1]]
^[[pî'ẋtā (K)]]
pi'ta, (n.) reward (H)
pi'to, rewarded (H)
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1718 ^[[-2]]
pii'ta, a fine reward, rewarded well (H)
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piyawo ?
impiyawo sunko, sorry (H) ^[[îs'tîlaho pasê' (K)]]
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piyuyu, Jew's harp (H) [[underlined]]pió'yo[[/underlined]] (H) ^[[(+K)]]