Viewing page 199 of 200

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^[[ko (K)]]
^[[kōmō' (K)]]
po, us
po bishno, pushno, ours
pa, pan, pus, pom, our (H)
pom ihtoh, our field (H)
pow waka, our cow (H)
pon chichuba, our horse (H)
pon shukha, our hog (H)
pom akaka, our chicken (H)
pushno lu, to be ours (H)  ^[[komō's (K)]]
pushnalthih, pommahmossih, ourselves (H)
pushno banoshi, ourselves (H) ^[[kosna'łitcî(K)]]
poṉ holisso, our book (H)
pon holisso im issah, our bookcase (H)
pom issah, our house (H)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
1722 ^[[-1]]
ä’po, [[strikethrough]](my)[[/strikethrough]] grandmother (H) ^[[(+K)]]
ä’pu, call the grandmother (H)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
1723 ^[[-2]]
ạma’pok, my grandmother(36) ^[[(+K)]]
ama’po, my grandmother (H) ^[[(096)]]
ima’po, his grandmother (H)
iima’po, grandma (H)
im-ap’po, his grandma, his grandmother (H)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
1724 ^[[-3]]
chapokō’si, my grandson (H) ^[[(+K)]]
ipokosi, grandson (H)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
poakachih, horn (?)
^[[waka lȧ’pî pofhî’lko (K)]]
poakachossih, hornlet (H)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
pof ^[[to blow]]
apof’ka, to perform by power or secret song; for blow on (H)
apof’ko, having performed by secret song; having for blow on (H)
olatilka puffilka, mouth organ(H) ^[[olatcîlka pofîlka’ (K)]]
poffilkassih, hornlet (H)
poffilka chubba, horn, pipe (H)
ollatilka pufilka, harmonica or harp (H)
im putka pufilka olla, blow-accordion (H)
hompanni inpufilka, band instrument (H)
pof’ka, bellows, to blowing ^[[(K)]], for blowed (H) ^[[îstîm-pofkatcê (K) bellows]]
pof’ko, for blowed, having blowed (H)
pofic’kạlolo’, you [[strikethrough]]blow[[/strikethrough]] will blow (0120)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
tulhlassi ishtimpufutli, side-harrow (H)
im puffotlichih, harrowing (H) ^[[(+K)]]
? pofo’litcit, she broke into pieces (046) ^[[(+K)]]