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Page twelve____________Leaves of Wesley Heights

Rehoboth Beach where they will be with their two children until October 1st. Prior to that they spent some time in Beverly, Massachusetts, where they were guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William T. Kilbourne.

  Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Mancill of Klingle Street have had as their guests the latter's sister, Mrs.T.H. Walker of Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, who accompanied them to their summer home on West River.

  Mr. and Mrs. John Gardner Ladd of Lowell Street, their young daughter, Annette Ladd, and Frances Jane Ballinger, daughter of Dr. and Mrs.
Senora Luis O. de Abelli, with her two children, Eloise and Luis, taken in the garden of their home in Wesley Heights.

William M. Ballinger, spent several days in July at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, where they were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Charles G. Sager.

  Mr. and Mrs. George A. Bache and their daughter, Miss Jacqueline Bache, are at Lake Orion, Michigan, where they are the guests of Mrs.Bache's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel F. Moffett.
  Mr. and Mrs. E. Ernest Allwine of Hawthorne Street have had as their house guests Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Prickett of Woodbury, New Jersey, for whom they entertained at dinner, other guests being Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Payne, Mr. and Mrs. R. Lester Rise and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stuntz.

  Miss Elizabeth Saunders, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robery O. Saunders of Klingle Street, and Miss Mary Walker of Newark Street, spent a week in July at Matapeake, Maryland, where they were guests of Miss Theda Sherman.
  Mr. Yelverton E. Booker, Mr.Francis G. Addison, Mr.James Johnson and Mr. Edmund K. Jones spend several days in July at Virginia Beach, Virginia.
   Dean and Mrs. George B. Woods of Cathedral Avenue left Washington on July 18th for a motor trip to Maine by way of New York where they will visit friends. They plan to cross Lake Champlain and later will visit Dr. and Mrs. Frank W. Ballou of Forty-fifth Street at their summer camp at Belgrade Lakes and Dr. and Mrs.Arthur C. Christie of Cathedral Avenue at their camp on Lake Portage