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Leaves of Wesley Heights
Page fifteen


The residence of Dr. and Mrs. B. C. MacNeil at 2908 Forty-fifth Street. Dr. MacNeil is District Commander of the American Legion.


Mr. and Mrs. Denise Barkalow, who, with their three daughters, Gladys, Carolyn and Mary, have been residents of Wesley Heights for more than six years, have left the community for Denver, Colorado, where they will make their permanent home. Mr. Barkalow has been personal secretary to Senator Lawrence C. Phipps of Colorado since coming to Washington, and upon the voluntary retirement of Senator Phipps from the Senate, remained in Washington only long enough to complete necessary business details.

The three girls have been students at National Cathedral School for some time, but Mrs. Barkalow plans to continue their education in Colorado.

Members of the community surrender the Barkalows to Denver with much regret. They have many close friends in Wesley Heights and their interest in community affairs has been a source of much satisfaction to all of us.


One of our newest neighbors, Mrs. Barnaby, wife of Lieutenant Ralph Barnaby, U.S.N., has won an enviable place for herself in the field of aviation - being one of the modern women who has found it possible and practicable to successfully combine a fascinating career with the business of being a homemaker. Just now Mrs. Barnaby is interested with her husband in gliding, the newest form of aviation. In addition to flying and gliding and managing her home and two young children, Mrs. Barnaby has written an interesting article in the current issue of the U.S. Air Service magazine, a publication of national importance devoted to discussion of things aeronautical.

Writing of the past as well as the future of the glider, Mrs. Barnaby, in her article, details many personal experiences which are of interest even to the uninitiated. We presume Mrs. Barnaby's
