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Oct. 1983

More Engineers for Gliding 

As Caesar said, "The Rubicon is crossed" - or"omnia gliding est in divisa partes tres." --so I said to myself upon returning from Elmira With my F.A.I. Soaring license# 37, the first earned by a woman in U.S.A. ..EARNED FAIRLY, SANS INTRIGUE. I certainly give myself a "pat on the back". ( You know they advise in song to do this when blue)that I did so ENOUGH to keep me gloing through the Intrigue and Politics, so omnipresent at the Meet. I have been in athletics most of my life, but never have I seen so much lack of good sportsmanship in anything!( Speeches before the various clubs and at the Banquetnot withstanding.) Soaring seems to be predominantly Corrupt from the treatment of its first Manager, (who is not so dumb) clear thru some of its most read about pilots. The next month will certainly see some changes in way things are run and we hope for the bearing that gliding has on Aviation. Many who have suffered in War and Commerical aviation pioneering will be brave enough, indignant enough, to take the job and in it maintain a healthy atmosphere, nourishing it and it's promising maturity.

"AllGliding is divided into three parts"...First: the greedy ones who expect by hook and mostly crook to make a million dollars out of gliders "by gum" and not be fooled by gliding like they were in disbelief of commercial aviation; Second: the very few who are tremendously devoted to it, only they can nourish it; Third: by two of the finest designers both men of integrity,"guts" and brains that ever built in any medium.