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In Appreciation We Dedicate

[image: of William Louis McGrath]
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William Louis McGrath

Born before the days of aeroplane, of a generation to whom the horseless carriage seemed just a passing fancy, "Bill" McGrath has worked constantly for the improvement of the present with his mind continually on the development of the future. Earthly in his business, his private thoughts and generous impulses have always soared above the common plane and marked him as a man of vision.

To mention the list of his accomplishments in the thirty years since he first became associated with the Eclipse Machine Company in Elmira would require more space and time than he would wish to have taken from a booklet on one of his ready interests, Soaring. For it is not his nature to emphasize his own contributions to any cause behind which he has ever placed his tireless energy.

Known to the soaring pilots who have attended past National Contests as the most genial of hosts, who with his charming wife has given, year after year, the famous lawn party for pilots and crew members at their lovely home, he has endeared himself to all who have come in contact with his friendly smile and bounteous hospitality. But his interests in the soaring movement have always gone deeper than this. Few if any know the sum total of his contributions in time, energy and money to the futherance of soaring here in Elmira, and through this, nationally. Fewer know how much influence and enthusiasm have contributed toward the interest and support which others have given to the movement. Like most things he has done, his pleasure has been derived from the doing rather than from having the world told about what he has done.

It is with regret that we must state that "Bill's" continuing poor health will keep him from actively associating this year with those with whom he has so much in common--that he will be unable to partake in the festivities in connection with the resumption of the Nation Soaring Contests. It is our pleasure and privilege, at this time, in dedicating this program to William L. McGrath, to acknowledge a great and good friend of the soaring movement in America and especially in Chemung County.