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Soaring(not 1940's Pa. 3  Hattie Meyers Weaver Junkin

We were the "lost gneration [generation]." More friends lost with Influenza, pregant [pregnant] girls and husky men than in War or Flying.

"Aviation", queried parents, "That is over now. A wartime need."

T The pioneer and post war aviators flew the mail, night and day. No airports as such, landing^ at nights by flares dropped casing the open field or outlined with flares by few expecting the mail for the post office. Or he started building airplanes that would not fold up like an orange crate in a bad landing or catch fire in the air, an airplane with quicker respinse [[response]] to the controls.

ThehVehicle [[The Vehicle]] of the Roaring Twenties became the three place open cockpit, steel tube fuselaged [[fuselage]] airplane.

My husband, George E. "Buck" Weaver Civilian Flying Instructor at Rich Field, Waco, Texas did both air mail and building aircraft. Many of his former cadets became famous. Leigh Wade, Eric Nelson, Three of the Army that were the first to fly around the world in 1924. Lester Maitland of the Hegenberger-Maitland flight to Hawaii fame; DErrol Bahl who taught Lindbergh to fly; and "Big" Bill Mac Cracken, who pioneered Federal interest in commercial aviation as Asst Secretary of Commerce for Aeronautics in Washington, D.C. Remember when aviators thought it was unecessary [[unnecessary]] to be licensed when they were known? Well, "Big" Bill affectionately called by his Chgo. and Signal Corps friends licensed aviators. Buck Weaver No. 610, when it should have been a single number; my brother Charles Meyers, Lt. in R.F.C. during War One, license 611. Buck Weaver founded the Weaver Aircraft Co, in Lorain, Ohio 1920, with two others. Elwood J. "Sam" Junkin and C.J. Brunker. "Sam" had been disqualified for active war service due to a bad heart from a teen-age strep throat. He served as designer with several aircraft sprouting designers, Glenn martin and Aeromarine in N.J.