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The Journal of The Soaring Society of America, Inc.
SSA is Division of the National Aeronautic Assn.

    Robert C. Kidder, Chairman of the SSA Technical Committee, has announced the resignation of Fritz Compton as Chairman of the Radio Subcommittee and the appointment of J. Russel Hyland, 79 Bayview Av., Amityville, N.Y., to that position, Fritz has earned the thanks of the Society for his past contributions in this field. His resignation will allow him to pursue, without conflict of interest, a sailplane radio project having limited production possibilities. Mr Hyland is well qualified to take over the radio work for SSA. He holds a B.A. Degree, is a member of the IRE, began amateur radio work in 1948 and currently is Field Service Monitor of CIN and Doppler Systems for and east coast aircraft manufacturer.
    Other changes in the SSA Committee structure for 1962 will be reflected in the 1962 SSA Soaring Directory. Briefly, the differences from 1961 Directory are as follows (subcommittees are indented):
Awards Committee - Lt. Col. Floyd J. Sweet, USAF (Ret.)
Membership Committee-Dale S. May Air Force - Maj. Harold Peasley, USAF, and Capt. Alfred Uhalt, Jr., UAF.
    Airlines - John C. Slack
    Army - Maj. R. F. Litle, Jr., USA
    Colleges - Joesph T. Davis
    EAA - Eugene R. Grieshaber
    Industrial - A.J. Smith
    Local Soaring Clubs - Fred Flood
    Navy - (open)
    Power Pilots - Brian Masters
    Youth (East) - Ed Brigham
    Youth (West) - Vernon A. Sutfin
Public Information Committee - Nikki Delp
Safety and Flight Operations Comm.
    Flight Training - Robert Forker
    Airman and Operational Rules - John D. Ryan
Technical Committee
    Radio - J. Russell Hyland
    Tow Releases - Guenther H. Christiansen
Youth Air Education Committee - Ed Brigham

VOL. 26 | MAY, 1962 | NO. 5
Lloyd M. Licher - Editor
Peter M. Bowers - Associate Editor

The A, B & C of Soaring . . . . . by Joseph M. Robertson 5
First Gold Distance - San Francisco Bay Area . . by George Asdel 6
The Problem of Sailplane Radio . . . . . . by T. E. Sharp 8
Concerning An Improvement of the NACA 63-618 Airfoil . . . by Dr. F. X. Wortmann 10
Selection and Layout of Sailplane Instruments . . by Robert B. Smith 11
Diamond Holiday at Pincher Creek . . by Edwin D. McClanahan 12
In Memoriam (a. H. "Hal" Cronkhite) . . . . by E. J. Reeves 13
Gold Altitude Wave Flight . . . . . . by Lloyd P. Hunter 17
New Feminine Record (Mult-place altitude gained) . . . . . . 17
In Memoriam (Konstantin J. Honitzsch . . . . by Nikki Delp 21
ES 52B Long-wing Kookaburra (photograph) . . . . . . . . 22

Know Your Directors (Leslie R. Arnold, Capt. Ralph S. Barnaby USN, Ret., Tom Page) . . . . . . 16
Club News and School News . . . . . Edited by Nikki Delp 18
Canadian News . . . . . . . . . Edited by Dave King 20
Letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Bibliography on Soaring . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Calendar of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
F.A.I. Soaring Badges Earned . . . . . . . . . 24
Classified Advertising . . . . . . . . . . . 24

The Briegleb BG-12A sailplane built from a kit by Winston Smith fo Toledo, Ohio, coming in for a landing at Chillicothe, Ohio. Photo by Ross Taylor, Jr.

$5 will be paid for any picture submitted if used for the cover.

Material published in Soaring magazine is contributed by individuals for the reading pleasure of other soaring enthusiasts. Anyone is invited to contribute and make reports on soaring in his area. Such material will be acknowledged when possible but no guarantee can be made tat it will be used. A self-addressed, stamped, envelope should be enclosed if the material is to be returned.

Soaring magazine is the publication of The Soaring Society of America, Inc., Editorial office and address of the Society: P.O. Box 66071, Los Angeles 66, Calif. (12536 Woodbine Street). Telephone EXmont 8-9894. Soaring is published monthly. Second-class postage paid at Los Angeles, California. Subscriptions to individuals in the United States by membership only. Membership in The Soaring Society of America, Inc., is open to anyone interested in the art, the science or the sport of motorless flight. Annual dues: Member, $10; Associate, $5; Student Member (enrolled in full time school), $3. Subscription price to libraries ans institutions, $4 per year. Subscriptions price outside the U.S.. $4 per year in North America, $5 elsewhere. Circulation of April 1962, issue: 4140.

Soaring Magazine is printed by Grover Jones Press, 11677 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles 25, California.

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