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when needed. The State Department arranged clearances for us to fly over or land in 22 countries. Dozens of ships from the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries, Coast Guard and Navy patrolled along our route. 

I was a 27-year-old first lieutenant, an engineering officer and test pilot, when I was selected to be one of the World Flight pilots. The others, all experienced in cross-country flying and testing, were Maj. Fred L. Martin, 41, the commander; 32-year-old Lt. Lowell Smith; and Lt. Erik Nelson, 36. Each pilot picked his own mechanic, I selected Sgt. Henry Ogden, an Air Service veteran of five years. 

Major Martin and his mechanic, Sgt. Alva Harvey, seemed jinxed from the start. On their way north from Seward, Alaska, their engine exploded and they made a forced landing in a rocky inlet. It took the Navy three days to find them, several more to install a new engine. Then they took off to catch up with us in Dutch Harbor. They never got there. For the rest of us, it was an anxious time. No word at all. What had happened to them? After a week of waiting, Washington cabled Lieutenant Smith, now the senior officer: "Planes 2, 3 and 4 proceed to Japan at earliest possible moment."

When we reached Attu, at the western end of the Aleutian Islands, a Navy ship there received word by radio that Martin and Harvey were safe. They had encountered sleet and struck a snow-covered mountain slope, coming to a stop at the edge of

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