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The antique buffs
Man still yearns after the bird, a fact illustrated by the 83,000 privately owned airplanes now flying in this country. Of all small-plane buffs, none is more dedicated than the lover of antique airplanes. Evenings and weekends, in cluttered barns and garages, the antiques rip apart and restore mazes of tubing, wood and wires that once flew. According to Bob Taylor, an Iowa aviation writer who is founder and president of the Antique Airplane Association, 3,000 antiquers have restored over 1,00 planes, to flying condition in the last decade alone. "Ten years ago anyone who owned or flew an old airplane was considered somewhat unbalanced," Taylor says. "Now we are swamped with requests to bring our planes to aviation functions all over the country." Enthusiastic Melba Beard (lower left), one of the Association's charter members, is presently restoring fire airplanes on her Scottsdale, Arizona, ranch. She's been flying since 1929. Not all antiquers are led into the hobby through flying, however. Tuscon schoolteacher Paul Ummel, shown with his plane at lower right, began a rebuilding job, four years ago with only model-building experience. "Ever since I was a kid I wanted to build an airplane," he says. So he bought the remains of one and invested 2,000 work hours and $1,500. Dapper Bob Bonniwell (right), an aeronautical engineer, is a new Association member. In keeping with the perfection all antiquers strive for, Bonniwell's 1935 cabin Waco will be rebuilt from the skeleton out. Frank Tallman (in 1090 Bleriot at left) makes his living from aviation (see article, page 26) and therefore is scorned by "true" antique hobbyists. Nonetheless, Tallman lives the antiquer's motto: "Keep the antiques flying."
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Outside his Scottsdale, Arizona, home, Bob Bonniwell inspects authentic 1935 Waco cowling.

With son Eric watching, Paul Ummel pumps tire on 1937 Fairchild he assembled in backyard.