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DAWN THUNDER Continued from page 12

"Big B? Oh, no. Not again!" I can hear the
groans even now. The red lines led south. Then
they jogged back northward and led around Berlin
to try to divert and possibly confuse the Luftwaffe.
That wasn't usually possible. I think the Luftwaffe had the sharpest air controllers in the business.
  From briefing, we were driven, usually in 
trucks and jeeps, to the dispersal areas where the
Forts were parked. Each was parked in its own
area. I remember that in the down fog, they looked
like great ghostly whales. Sometimes the fog was
so thick that we couldn't see the airplanes until we
got next to them.
  The bombs had been loaded during the night
by our armorers. They were then carefully
checked by the bombardiers. After the ammunition
was loaded aboard, our preflight checks completed,
the 50-calibers installed and checked, and the aircraft commander had taken his last "walk-around,"
we were ready when the Germans were! We'd
begin to taxi, each ship in its assigned position in
the line, toward the runway. In good weather, the
aircraft would take off at 30-second intervals. But 
in the fog, the entire group takeoff might take up
to a half-hour. The fog and bad weather were
always our bitter enemies. While taxiing, our 
engines would roar, brakes would screech, and we knew we'd awakened everybody in East Anglia. 
  Imagine it! Hundreds of bombers taking off, gathering over East Anglia, groping around in the fog or mist, forming into a semblance of organization over our previously designated "splashers" (radio beacons). The timing was absolutely critical. 
We had to reach each splasher on schedule. If, for instance, we missed our connections with our fighter escort somewhere, that meant less time for the escort. We tried never to be late meeting our "Little Friends."
  The Luftwaffe met us shortly after we reached Germany. Those Me109s and FW-190s that had flown through fighter screen would coast in behind or abreast of the formations, throttle back and fire their rockets. A direct flak rocket hit on a B-17
usually caused an instant explosion of the most
violent and dreadful nature. The rocket, the airplane's 
bomb load and the fuel would all go up in a searing flash of lig[[second page cutoff]]
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[[Image of Advertisement]]
It broils! It bakes!
It toasts 4 slices automatically!
It's the Toast 'N Broil
Toast-R-Oven toaster from GE.

If you want a toaster oven that does everything this toaster oven does get yourself a GE.

  It's a 2-steak broiler.
  This GE toaster oven has separate broil setting that lets you broil steaks, hamburgers, hot dogs--easily and conveniently.  And because it broils, GE's toaster oven makes more than two hundred dishes you can't make in most other toaster ovens! The high -wall broiler pan helps protect the interior from spatters--and it pops into the dishwasher for easy cleaning.
  It's a great oven.
  GE's toaster oven handles the dozens of small cooking jobs you'd hate to heat up your big oven for.  Like top-browning sandwiches, baking casseroles, warming leftovers.  And it [[Image]] works in tandem with your big oven when you want to cook foods that require different temperatures.

 It's an automatic toaster.
  It takes the place of a 4-slice toaster.  It toasts odd-size breads and rolls, both sides at once, and shuts off automatically.   A bell rings when toast is ready.
  Features! Features!
  The thermostatically controlled oven has settings from 200[[degrees]]F to 500[[degrees]]F.  Automatic Top Brown setting is great for melting, crisping and browning.  And a signal bell rings when food is ready.  Removable rack, oven tray, broiler pan and swingopen crumb tray make cleaning easy.

Only GE gives you so many models to choose from.
  See them all at your GE dealer's now.  The model featured here is the T26.  The T23 broils, bakes and toasts 2 slices.  Non-broiling models include the Deluxe 2-slice Toast-R-Oven toaster (T93B) as well as the King Size 4-slice Toast-R-Oven toaster (T97).  There is a size for every family, a price for every budget.
  Whichever model you choose, once you own a Toast-R-Oven from GE you'll wonder how you ever managed without it.

[[Image]] Teflon II
Other items made by General Electric use Dupont Teflon* non-stick coatings.
[[Right Bottom Margin]]
[[Left Margin]] 14  The Atlanta Journal and Constitution Magazine

Transcription Notes:
Half of the second page is cut off