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[[top-left image]]Kathy and Peter Pan[[/top-left image]]
[[top-right image]]Mrs. William Ikard[[/top-right image]]

obituary he sent it by return mail:
    "'Walter Cronkite, television and radio newsman, died today. He smothered to death under a pile of ridiculous mail which included a request to write his own obituary.'
    "After his family, who he secretly thinks of as his crew, his residing passion in his 47-foot yawl, the Wyntje. He would really like us to address him as Commodore, but he doesn't have the guts to ask. Chip, now 23 and working as a film editor in New York, is the most avid sailor in the family. When he was born, Walter said, 'Betsy, I'm too old to have a son. We'll never be able to play basketball together.' Well, neither of them has ever played basketball, but they've played everything else together: chess, backgammon, tennis, sailing. Chip's passion for sailing equals his father's, and their sailing style is so much alike that they automatically reach for the same line when a squall blows up.
    "I like sailing because it reminds me of camping out in sleeping bags as a child. Walter, however, is not not your average sleeping-bag fellow. He wants his bunk made up with down pillows and percale sheets. "Since I get seasick when it starts blowing up, I usually fix lunxh at the same time I make breakfast so the crew will get fed if a squall strikes.
    "Walter basically wants nothing to do with food except eat it. He doesn't want to talk or think about it: He just wants it served promptly and as hot as possible, and make sure the ice bucket is always full. In the early days of our marriage he would occasionally rustle up some French toast on a Sunday morning, but he soon lost his enthusiasm for that. Whenever he is asked by some publication to provide his favorite recipe, which happens almost / turn to page 132

[[bottom-left image]] Picture of Chip [/[bottom-left image]]
Chip's passion for sailing equals his father's, and their sailing style is so much alike that they automatically reach for the same line when a squall blows up.
"I like sailing because it reminds me of camping out in sleeping bags as a child. Walter, however, is not your average sleeping-bag fellow. He wants his bunk made up with down

[[bottom-right image]]Chip with his family during Christmas[[/bottom-right image]]

"My frustrated song-and-dance man." "Christmas, 1961."