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From: The book: THE PATHFINDERS ..Time Life Books Inc.,
Alexabdria, Va., 22314

Page 40 to 49: Leigh Wade soloed at the Rich Field, Waco, Texas (1917-1918) by Geo, E. "Buck" Weaver - Civilian Flying Instructor

Letters to Hattie M. (Weaver) Junkin ( Aug.23, 1975
Flying: "Army Round the World" from(Gen. Leigh Wade
From Rich Field training, Lt. Leigh Wade; Lt. Lowell Smith;
Lt. Erik Nelson; Lt. John Harding, Jr;
Sargent Henry Ogden
Kept contact with "Buck" until take-off. "Buck" dying Spring 1924.
On landing in Boston wired the Aero Club of Illinois for "Buck" to be toast master. "Buck had died but had kept on a little piece of yellow paper the itinerary.

Letters 1980 in file to Hattie Meyers (Weaver) Junkin
From Erik Nelson who founded the SAS Airlines. Also letters from Wm. P. (Big Bill) MacCracken, Chgo Atty soloed by "Buck" Weaver, later Asst. Sec. of Commerce, Wash. D.C.

Most of these were present at the Rich Field Reception Feb 13, 1918 the day after (marriage of Hattie Meyers to
(Geo. E. Weaver, Feb. 12, 1918
(in town (to avoid "tricks" on
(new brides/

Page 52: Epics of Parker Cramer Alaska, "Untin Bowler" Annual World Fatal trip 1931 Sikorsky huge craft.
Sikorsky Roosevelt Field, L.I. 1926.
1925.. Elwwod J. "Sam" Junkin and Hattie M. (Weaver widow) Junkin to L. Is. N.Y
Betty Huyler Gillies and husband WACO distributors.
Three WACO NINES in Lobby of Penn. Hotel.. Penn. Station N.Y.

Page 54. etc. 1925 to Troy, Ohio from WACO distributors Robertson Aircraft, St. Louis. Flew to WACO Nine instead of Errohl Bahl, (LT. 1918) Rich Field, Waco, Texas, 1918.

Page 72 Clarence Chamberlain. (Bill Brock and stunt gal Lillian Boyer Roosevelt Field, L.IS. N.Y. "Buck's and Hattie's friends.)

Page 73 Guiseppa Bellanca andEnglish wife often guests 1930's of (twice widowed) hattie M. J. married to Lt. Ralph S. Barnaby, U.S. Navy Bureau of Aeronatuics. Divorced him as Lt. Comdr. 1934. Dinner: Either Italian or English cuisine. Lovable couple.