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The ad-hoc executive committee of the Waco Historical Society has been meeting on a regular basis since its inception May 28, 1978, at the Waco Aircraft Show at the Hayner Cultural Center in Troy. The committee was organized with: R. E. Frazier, Chairman; R. E. Hoefflin, Secretary-Treasurer; L. Pritchard, Engineering and Documents; J. C. Kessler, Photographic; W. R. Geisinger, Historian; and J. M. Dickerson, Promotions. The meetings are usually held the last Monday of each month and all members are invited to attend.

The present objectives of the committee are to establish a solid foundation for a continuing organization to collect and preserve the artifacts and history of the Waco Aircraft Co.

A proper system of recording and cataloging new acquisitions has been started with twenty-five acquisitions including more than fifty-five items recorded. A system of tape interviews of ex-employees of Waco has been established with one interview completed. New members have been solicited with the membership of approximately 125 including persons from Florida to Alaska.

Again we encourage your gifts and membership. Any Waco memorabilia such as  photos, drawings, aircraft parts, etc. will be eagerly accepted by contacting any executive committee member.

Meeting dates and additional information may be obtained from: Richard Frazier, Chairman, Pleasant Hill, OH., phone 676-3901 or R. E. Hoefflin, Secretary-Treasurer, Troy, OH., phone 335-2621.

[[image - drawing of a bird on a branch]]


You may not deduct the value of services you contribute to a charity, but you may deduct unreimbursed expenses you incur in rendering your services.

You may deduct the cost of telephone calls, bus, plane and train fares, travel expenses when away from home on the business of the organization, auto operating costs such as gasoline and oil, tolls and parking charges, costs of materials and supplies furnished (stamps, stationery). You may not deduct a proportionate share of general maintenance, depreciation, and insurance on an automobile or other vehicle used partly in volunteer work.

Instead of taking a deduction for the actual operating costs of your car in volunteer work, you may use a flat mileage rate of 7c a mile plus tolls and parking charges. The 7c rate is not mandatory. Use the method that provides you with the greater deduction -- either actual operating expenses or the mileage rate.

The cost of special uniforms you require for rendering services to a charity is deductible.

(Quoted from J. K. Lassers Contributor's Income Tax Deduction Guide. 1978, pg. 11.)