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Ambroid used on airplane models  
by CW Meyers 
To accomplish
February 1980
1. Field Headline newspaper Airplane Funeral "Buck" Weaver
 a) "Buck" flew Wm. Allen White, [strikethrough] [/strikethrough]Editor, Euporia Kausar
 b) 1978 TV Guide - (Movies, Story & photo)
   Wm A. Whites daughter's death - thrown from

2. [[Strikethrough]] Found Andy Stewart's letter for Xerox) he. ?? & salesman. Boucher  sales mgr. Buck Eviction [/strikethrough]] May 25, 1929

3. Rec'd letter Eastman Kodak [[(Strikethrough]] clipped to ? [/strikethrough]]

4. Waco stories- [[strikethrough]] Friday [[/strikethrough]] 1919-1920- re:{Prospectus salesman & my [[?]] Ring Lardner wrote "Buck" up "Mash" - Oct 17- sat 9pm story Ring Lardun Jr.

To do 5. "I remember Papa" HM Age 3-4- sick in the night- Lool

6. After Interval on 8 Navy marriage W.D.C. Nov. 1929
Xerox 1931
a) Licenses
b) Insignia Xerox Vic Powell

Glider drop farm dirigible R.S.B.
HM B Return 1930 to house Wesley Hights.
HMB 1931 Soaring- re:[[?]]
The Spies at Elviras & W. D.C Embassy
Natl League Amer. Pen. Homer.

 Bedtime Friends in Gov't aviation
 Air mail
 White House

hence 5 day Reception duties.
Officer - Natl membership
Eleanor Roosevelt to N.L.A.P.

Law College 1933-1935 LLB - (1963 J.D.)
a) on list of Editors Law Magazine
b) Phi Delta delta - fraternity (high marks)

1933 Legal separation. 
1934 Divorce - return to house all mine as owner
Soaring with Army Shows locally etc.
Writing for Air Service Magazine
Vogue - 1940 - 1941?

La Grange Tea Room
1924 Experience
My [[reacting?]] & National Life
Get La Grange lecture Tea Room
to Winston Salem

[[NLAPW?]] Natl. Breakfast Program 

Waco Aircraft Co
55 Jenkins  55 CJB - 10 Older [[?]]

Legal Settlement
1. Trust Fund included Buc
2. Waco Stock on N.Y. Curb - [[strikethrough]]
?? [[/strikethrough]] HMJ [[?]] Woman Aviation Bd directors

[[strikethrough]] Head of Yacht Club near Del Ray Beach - Get map for Gulf side Yacht Club town
New Smyrna - Fla
[[strikethrough]] See All in Old Trunk [[/strikethrough]] Never [[?]]
W.D.C. 1929-1930's Bank Failures
Bathtub Gin - Maryland Rye
have teenagers #4

Transcription Notes:
Edited. "underlined" not needed, per SI instructions. Edited all strikethroughs to conform to directions. Changed + (plus) to & (and).