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William P. MacCracken, Jr. Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Aeronautics, says: 
"Every pilot should have deep respect for the man who turned him "solo". Certainly I have for Buck Weaver who tied the white handkerchief on the rudder of an old Standard, spoke a few forceful but effective words of encouragement and warning, which were easily heard above the snorting of the Hal Scott, and let me go." 
These things introduce the potential ability of Buck Weaver in national life. During the War he married Hattie Meyers on the 12th of February, 1918, at Waco, Texas. The next day the bachelor bunk-house regaled the bride and groom with the then popular selection of Raymond Hitchcock's "Here Comes The Groom With His Head Bowed Down in Gloom Wishing He Was Home All Alone In His Own Little Room."
Buck II arrived on the 12th of December, 1918. The War was over and Buck had to get a job, After the funeral of Hattie's father in the East Buck and Hattie's brother, Charlie Meyers, went to Toronto, Canada where they bought a couple of Jennies. They set out to barnstorming and found two old buddies, Elwood J. Junkin, called "Sam", and Clayton J. Brukner, from Buffalo. Sam and Clayt had been building an an aquaplane and were considerably 'out of luck'. Charlie and Buck took Sam and Clayt out on the road with them as mechanics. The same summer the Ohio Flying School was started at Lorain, Ohio, having as its instructors Buck Weaver, Charlie Meyers and E. P. Lott. 
In the spring of 1920 the Weaver Aircraft Company was [[strikethrough]] formed [[/strikethrough]] incorporated with Buck Weaver as President. The Weaver Aircraft Company consisted of Buck Weaver, E. J. Junkin and C. J. Brukner. During the War E. J. Junking, due to heart trouble, 'did his bit' by being an inspector of aircraft at the Aeromarine, Key Port, N. J.  C. J. Brukner had been in the Infantry as a Private. Sam was always recognized as the major designer. Clayt had a rare ability as a worker with metals, Buck was the only pilot with reputation and recognition, which was unusual and a skilled [[?]]. 
This constituted the personnel and abilities of the Weaver Aircraft Company.