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invitation of her brother, Charlie Meyers, to join him and his wife and baby in Winston Salem, North Carolina.
         In the meanwhile, the Advance Aircraft Company had been incorporated under the Mass. charter and had its headquarters at Troy,Ohio. Sam and Clayt had made an arrangement whereby each could alternate,in the office, of President. Within the year of 1925 Sam and Hattie were
married at Winston Salem, North Carolina. Four days after the marriage Sam and Hattie and little Buck sojourned to Troy, Ohio. Contemporaneously, Sam and Clayt had acquired controlling interest in the Advance
Aircraft Company. This was the accomplishment much desired inasmuch as they proved to themselves and the former opposing control that they not
only could build the number of ships they said they could but on their
own resources had build more than they had anticipated. The demand for
the ships increased and Sam true to prognostications written to Hattie
in a letter, was showing the "cock-eyed" universe, as well as himself,
someone could make Commercial Aviation pay. Until Sam had felt able 
to demonstrate this he had decided not to take Hattie back into
In 1925 the Waco 9 put Commercial Aviation on a profitable business basis. Waco 9's were sold at $250,000 through a distributorship plan which was in itself a stroke of genius. This distributorship plan financed the building of Wacos and at the same time secured a positive number of sales which Sam convinced each distributor he could sell. The distributor then being heavily bonded and not anxious to loose his own money, put out extra effort and usually sold more airplanes than the number for which he had contracted. This created demand for the supply which Sam was determined the world needed and at the same time gave him money with which to work. The danger in this was recognized inasmuch as some big financier would, in aviation, absorb the small fellows in the Industry. Then to get ahead of this Sam decided by mass production to sell enough Wacos the next year at $1800.00 so that he could become his own financier, build the ship he really wanted to build; not wear himself out repeating designs but have full flare