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appreciate the fact that building vacos was now a business and also
Hattie felt a sense of compunction knowing that she was, in a manner,
separating, for at least twelve hours of the day the intimate life
of Sam and Clayt. Within the next few days Sam and little xxxx Buck
were overcome by the heat while setting up the ship, putting them in bed. Early one morning
the doctor was rooted our of bed due to Sam's bad pulse/xx which was a result of
the intestinal flu as the illness seemed to have been. This attack was gotten over nicely and several of
the boys from the factory brought over the little graphinola and the
sick room became festive. Sam was soon up and around and having found
at least a temporary home in a duplex, Sam and Hattie set up housekeeping.
During that fall Hattie acquired the habit of making two pies and two
cakes each time instead of one, the other one going up to the gang
where the seven or more of them lived. There were many younger boys
far away from home whom Sam "fathered" and these boys were taken in
cliques or with their particular pals different nights at Junkins' for
some real home-cooked food. Once again Hattie was in her niche. She 
was wife and mother; cook, for a bunch of hungry boys in aviation;
"Ma" or "Sam's girl" to dance with the gang and make them forget home 
was so far away. The latch was always open. It was nice to know these
chaps felt at home to drop in as at a club, play the graphinola, write letters, or lie down on the floor, one knee crossed high over the other, and pour out personal hopes and despairs to "Pa" and "Ma" Junkin. At the same time "Pa" and "Ma" being contemporaries enough to disguise their wisdom so that it was pleasure.
Day times/Hattie usually wore dresses that were comfortable for romping and it brought no heart aches if they acquired spots of xx dope or paint. She and little Buck rode in the little old Ford, usually in the back baggage-carrying part with Sam while someone else drove usually Clayt. The truck always had more than its capacity aboard. Soiled, dirty-looking boys with clean teeth and smiles and well-kept skins and hearts full of fun. When it was hot Clayt's little old father who was then with Clayt would go along with the crowd, grind up the little graphinola, keep the records playing while the gang and Hattie and Sam all went in swimmming. Each chap 'strutted his stuff'. Clayt quieted Hattie's fears of intrusions on these occasions, saying, "Maybe we would all have more fun with xxxx a girl along." (Whereupon on this particular occasion Clayt proceded to show how he could climb up a stock, hand over hand, [[strikethrough]] boy [[/strikethrough]] body parallel