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Inexpensive quality plane to solve the personal bread and butter question and at the same time gain surplus finance enough with which to build the aeroplane he wanted to build. The Waco 9 was recognized as a leader and a financial success but Samo considered it only a means to an end of the ship he hoped to build some day. To repeat effort like rebuilding oven twice the same design went against his grain. He wanted to build a ship up to the point only, where he could see as its designer, how much of an improvement the last effort was over any former results. Sam had learned to fly,Phil Goombel was his instructor. Sam said he himself could only herd a ship around, not fly it. When this grand absorption policy of owning the aviation industry took place Sam said that he wanted to be part of the sponge, not the victim, and the only way to keep from being the victim was to make money enough to find victims. Also,it was his hope that the sponges would have the necessary appreciation of the industry, in order not to snuff out the budding genius of the future generation because it looked like a hopeless struggle against accumulated finances.

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When at home in Minneapolis for Christmas in 1925 Sam had confided to his father plane full of vision. One of these was to eventually build a completely metal-made job. Within a couple of years, at least everthing metal, except perhaps wing covering. Another dream was of the day when Dad Junkin would build the motor for Sam's aeroplanes, as he had made many successful ones for the Farm Machine Industry

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For nine long months Sam lay ill. Endicarditus was the technical name, (meaning heart trouble.)Sam had developed a horror of hospitals and anthing white, clothing not excepted. From the nine months spent in the hospital in Buffalo. Hattie had just recovered from an appendix operation and she and Sam expected a little Sam about September. In consideration of Hattie, and because of the need for absolute quiet, Sam was taken to Dayton to the Miami Valley Hospital in the month of May. Sam was seriously ill with one chance in a thousand. During the summer little Buck had two minor operations and the measles, in spite of.