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    #3 (continued)
I have decided to prognosticate a little bit myself--
Some day I will probably be dandling my grandson on my knee while we, they to-days Paw--and Maw-- sit back listening to our grown kids 
anticipating the difficulties of a crowded terminal at Paris, FRANCE-- (not Illinois) due a little difficulty in -- starting-- ah-
cantcha take a joke -- well I'll betcha if a pilot ever gets started as soon as he expected or gets home in time for supper instead of doing all that ground flying on the field, after landing both parties will die
from shock. What Bud? Oh some day you will find a man with goggles on in the magazines like Daddy. They just
need some more convincing.I am sleepy -- that old motor turns 'em over nicely -- Amen.
      There is Cleveland. One hanger, like the ad. in Aero Digest. Not canvas either. Two De Havilands too. They surely look little alongside this ton. Bet I could touch the edge of the soot. At least the buildings are discernible. In Chgo. the Wrigley tower is all that sticks out. ( I like Chgo tho. Lookit the hubby it gave
     Ha-- we are down and dear doctor lookit the mud.  Guess a half mile from the gas pump is as far as this a ark goes.  C.D. is anxios for a bath -- well the pail was not with us in the storm ' member?And lookit that good looking feller of mine. I ask you confidentially HOW can a man who is so good to look at get as dirty and unrecognizable as that -- and stay so goldern lovable?  Yes and further more I don't get any attention at all when son and father get to- gether.  You know how I hate 'em both!   
     The only answer to this maiden's prayer is food and sleep.  The tank is filled for the deferred flight -- to- morrow.  Five gallon trips of gas with that big ship to fill and a half mile each trip makes a sum of how much expended brawn and how much patience on one tired pilot-- BUCK -- and the durn ship always does something to Bucks neck -- leaving an ache that only rubbing takes out. Little bud is so good and so tired too. The mechanic ? He is the cleanest looking hombre around here. What's the matter with Hank,.oh he's all rite."  C.D. has gotten a yellow ( as usual) and we are going into town. Buck has put his cap on and stuffed his helmet and the [[?]] resis tals" into his pocket.  I would like everybody to know he is a pilot but that is one fine point we do not discuss. Hank has his helmet on and Buck said let [[underline]]him[[/underline]] get the kick out of it.