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He was a real aviator, not just a model builder and twenty-one yrs old! Charlie was twenty, working in Nutley, N.J. on real [underline] aeroplanes [/underline]. I was thrilled but he might be vain like our football cheer leader. Charlie immediately reminded me I was his [underline] little [/underline] sister; no one would notice a young innocent like me. All the girls were "dippy" over him (NUTS a bad word then) and finally Buck could have all the girls he wanted so I was not to "join the crowd." Charlie needn't worry, I would just be civil. If Charlie didn't come off his high horse, I would teach him (Buck weaver a lesson. The family was satisfied about relatives reaction on a visit to Rutherford. cuck weaver was invited for the Holidays and continuous week-ends thereafter. he said, "Shi-caw-go, for Chgo., and used a new word.."ornery," and I prided myself on a good vocabulary. he was vital, rollicky and handsome. he wrapped the whole family around his easy natural self. Here was someone as comfortable, as natural in manner as Pop. Remembering my "squelching" by Charlie, I later found it a [underline] little [/underline] easier to follow thru my attitude after hearing the teasing by invited groups of Buck's girls. The time when buck ran fast, holding a girl by the hand, jumping a fence with her, to avoid a landlady's wrath. I wished Buck would wear different headgear than the black and white check cap. I didn't realize then it was a badge of distinction. buck as a foreman in the airplane factory in Nutley, N.J. as Charlies assistant. Talk of U.S. going to War vs. Germany increased and so did the supply of aero planes. (Today, 1930, Buck's son is working on defense aircraft, we hope soon enough.) Week-ends the house full of new friends real aeroplane builders. ground flying, with demonstrations of paper dart shapes was done. ….