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WACO [[underline]]11[[underline]]
That was why Charlie made himself so scarce, flashing me that up-to-something-cherubic smile. We decided not to tell the family until Sunday. (Tell [?] ask).

The other fellow came down to the house/later in the week. He told the folksthat George and I had planned to elope...and had the tickets. We had tickets for the "Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show." The top of our announcement was ruined. "I wasn't going to marry an aviator" decided the family, "and bum around the country, until he was killed, left with a family to raise by myself. I was going to marry where there was some security for a delicate girl like me. Why aviators couldn't have any Insurance." I had managed to forgive the donor of those cheap chocolates, for being [[underlined]]his[[underlined]] assumed competition, not mine..if George's..if he went to Japan. The old Tattletale, herein after T.T., could go jump in the lake..and drown for he couldn't swim. In the midst of the hullabaloo, a thunder storm blew up. I was crying, and let myself go into hysterics. (I had asked the minister if my folks could force me to marry T.T. Answer "NO, he would talk to Papa, whom he liked, if and when he needed.) As the thunder clapped I could have clapped, miserable as I was, for T.T. was scared silly of thunder storms! A neighbor who shared my dislike of T.T. and adored George came over to help Mama with my first hysterics. I was put on my bed, wet cloth on head, while I cried, "George, George," with full approval of friend neighbor. The lightening hit a tree near our house. T.T. had gone down to the front door. The neighbor had phoned George in Nutley, at work. She was/scolding T.T., front door opened, I heard George say, "Oh, so you're the reason for all this."..and shutT.T. out the door.