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[underline] WACO [/underline] [underline] 12 [/underline]
Then before I could blow my nose, George was upstairs in my bedroom, He picked me up off the bed, told me brusquely to "stop that crying", rocked me in his lap on my little white rocker, raining kisses down on me. He told the folks who were present that he was engaged to me. I often thought/ [underline] mistakenly [/underline] if Papa has been home, we might not have been so brave. I didn't know George well enough yet, t know that that jocoseness he put on that might was to hide a pretty scared young man 21 yrs. old. I learned later how much courage is too for him to come. Would he be let in the front door, that ride by taxi thru the storm seemed to echo all his apprehensions. All he knew was that I was sick, he loved me and he should come quickly.
I knew that evening, that George's arms were the only ones I ever wanted around me. he was wise and "grown up." I felt a little abashed at having acted like a doggone girl, but I as beginning to life being a girl. As I look back, I sometimes wonder if I put on a show...or did it grab me...vs. losing the man I knew was the complement to me.
George wired his family in Chgo. Dad Weaver arrived the next Sunday conference and our engagement was announced. dad Weaver just had to be, and was, as grand a genuine person as his son, George the oldest of four boys. both families thought we were a little too young to marry George 22 June 14, 1917, I was nineteen. The war in Europe was getting worse and it looked like we would have to get in it. George wrote his Mother who sent him one of her diamond rings for my engagement ring. With George everything would be ALIVE, shared, I could be as friendly as I liked I could romp hand in hand with George. 'Of course," teased George, "I'm just marrying you because you're the only girl who wouldn't look at me."